Working Together

Bicycle helmets

As the weather starts to improve, the number of students riding to school increases.  By law, every cyclist under age 18 must wear an approved helmet. Riders under 16 years old: a parent or guardian must make sure their child wears a helmet.  It is alarming the number of students who either do not wear a helmet or carry it on the handle bars.  We need parent support in ensuring that all students have a correctly fitted helmet and that their child wears it at all times.

Note:  Protective gear for scooters is highly encouraged.

"CSPS is doing nothing to improve the parking".

CSPS is in constant communication with the City of Casey, Vic Roads and traffic surveyors to ensure we are providing the safest parking options we have available.  We urge adults in the community to refrain from using social media to express ill founded or inaccurate view points on this matter.