Advance Class 

Term 1 was a busy mix of different activities for the Advance students. They had a number of guest speakers from Rotary, Lions and Blaze Aid. They provided ideas for the lake foreshore redevelopment for local council and helped run the different stations at the Beaufort Primary School Athletics day.

The last few weeks of the term had them cooking a variety of meals for the Blaze Aid volunteers at Lexton. Part of the program is to support local community groups and complete volunteering activities. They did a fantastic job and perfected the ANZAC biscuits recipe, along with Mars Bar slice and rum balls! They also did a mammoth effort to provide an evening meal of Lasagne and made some beautiful apple crumbles for dessert. The students used apples from the school tree and received lots of compliments! 

I am so proud of their efforts so far and look forward to getting back to school with this group to do more activities within our local community. 

Cooking for Blaze Aid Volunteers at Lexton

Helping with Beaufort Primary School Athletic Sports