School Planning

School Planning at Evans High School 2019


In 2018 the 2018-2020 School Plan was implemented. The three areas we focused on include:


Strategic Direction 1 is - 'Successful and Future Ready Learners' with the three key areas being:

1. Develop a middle school initiative to ensure students are engaged, connected and succeed in learning

2. The school has systems for transition at all key points including Year 6 into 7, middle school into senior, enrolment into IEC and movement to permanent high school and school to post schooling destinations

3. Inclusiveness underpins all school programs and activities


Strategic Direction 2 is - 'Quality Teaching', the three areas are:

1. Documentation reflects staffs’ professional knowledge of students and how they learn as well as a strong knowledge of the content and how to teach those students

2. Staff draws on research to plan and implement effective teaching which reflects their knowledge of professional practice

3. Teachers identify and model effective learning and collegially and individually expand their learning


Strategic Direction 3 is - 'Leadership and the School Community', implementation of this occurs through:

1. Staff take on leadership roles internally and externally in the school and wider educational networks

2. Leadership models exemplary practice in system, curriculum and legislative requirements

3. Building capacity for leadership, collaborating with the community and exemplifying the student voice


Each area is overseen by a Deputy Principal, supported by Head Teachers who manage the Teams in each area. Team meetings are held every 3 weeks, with staff electing which team they would like to be a part of. Each area has a timeline of implementations as well as regular evaluations. Staff speak with the Student Leadership Team regularly regarding ideas which they need feedback on and the P&C are also involved in the planning process.


Evans High School welcomes the opportunity to discuss any areas with the community in terms of school planning. We are interested in ensuring students are engaged life-long learners with the ability to become excellent members of our community. Each Newsletter we will share the specifics of one area of the school plan.


- Kerry Doyle, Deputy Principal