What's Happening at CHPS 

Sports News

Interschool Sport

Well done to all our 18 Interschool Sport teams and again a very big thankyou to all the Parents and Volunteers that helped us out with coaching, supervising and scoring. 

On Friday, we are hosting the District Finals in most of the different sports and our teams are in 3 of these sports. Congratulations to the Blue Volleybounce Team, Blue Tennis team and the Red Boys Tee ball team.  There will be a round robin played in most of the sports so if they win their semi final they proceed to the finals. We wish them all the best of luck. Ride2School Day is TOMORROW

On Friday 19th March, CHPS is celebrating “Harmony/Kindness Day” where the students will be asked to wear Orange if they wish to.  In conjunction with this day, we are also having Ride2School Day where students are given the opportunity to ride either their bike, scooter or skateboard to school.  If they wish to ride their bike and do not have a current Bicycle Licence, students in Years 4 – 6 will be asked to fill in a Bike licence which is a simple version of what we have for those who ride each week.  Students who ride a scooter or skate board will not be required to fill in paper work, but they MUST wear a helmet.

Students in year Prep – Year 3 who wish to ride or scoot to school MUST be accompanied by an adult. I have mentioned to many students, especially those that live too far away to ride or scoot, maybe parents could put their bike into the car and drop them at the end of Campase Drive or Croydon Hills Drive so they can at least have a go if it fits into the car!! The bikes and scooters will be put into storage for the day. Years Prep – Year 3 bikes will be placed in the Prep area. All other bikes will go into the Bike shed. 

Each child who rides will receive a certificate.  Temporary Bike Licences are available from the office.

House Cross Country

The House Cross Country Competition for Years 3 – 6 will be upon us before we know it. The House Cross Country will be held on Friday 30th April, which is the end of the second week back in Term 2. It was originally scheduled for the Tuesday 27th April but due to other circumstances, we have had to change this to the Friday.  

We are going to require parent help for this morning, from 9.00am – 11.15am. If you are available, we will be asking for volunteers to assist. If you already know that you can help out, please let me know by emailing me at Noreen.McMenaman@education.vic.gov.au otherwise ring the office or let the class teacher know. This will also be loaded onto Compass as an Event with a newsfeed. We do need about 23 adults to supervise the course which runs through Yarrunga Forest, so that the children can be safe and in case of any accidents or problems. We cannot run this even without the assistance of our wonderful parent community. 


Noreen McMenaman  -  PE/Sport


Learning to Love LOTE

Learning Enhancement at CHPS

Teeth On Wheels is back for 2021



The dental van will be on site at CHPS in May, giving families the opportunity to have their children's teeth checked and a dental care plan put in place if necessary.

Appointment registration forms have been sent home with each child today, or registration can be completed online at:


Completed forms need to be returned to the Office by Friday March 19th.