Assistant Principals' Updates

Facilities, Resilience and some Important Reminders

Facilities Update - New Portables

Staff and students had to adjust in Term 1 to teaching and learning in spaces around the school not designed for regular classrooms (eg. weights room in gym, the back of the school hall, a staff lunchroom and conference room). However it was all worth it for the exciting addition of twelve new classrooms in the school next term. 


The Education Department recognised the need for more teaching spaces as a result of the increasing enrolment numbers of our local students, and has provided the school with three-storey portables. As you would know from our sudden Curriculum Day this term, the arrival of these portables occurred over March 19-22 and fortunately installation went smoothly (see photos). 


These new portables are located down the back of the school along the train line, joining up to the two existing portable buildings so that there is a walkway around on the second floor between all portables. 


We will be installing school-purchased digital projectors and new school-purchased classroom furniture into each classroom and then students and staff will be timetabled into this improved teaching and learning space.

 - Kellie Ind, 

Assistant Principal


The Resilience Project 2021

Resources for Parents and Carers

As part of our partnership with The Resilience Project, we are encouraging families to help us build skills for wellbeing in the home as well, with a special focus on Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM). A number of our Year 7 – 9 families joined the online presentation earlier this term with Martin, and we have the additional resource Project+ which is an online newsletter. 







Attached are two resources for families: 


Gratitude Questions for the family


The Imperfects Podcast (with comedian Ryan Shelton)


Term 2 Parenting Workshop – Connected Parenting with Lael Stone

Monday 24th May – online (more details will be provided in Term 2 on Compass)

Other Resources for Parents and Carers

This website is recommended for parents and carers, covering a range of topics for building resilient families:

Beyond Blue parenting resources on range of topics for building resilient families.


- Kellie Ind, 

Assistant Principal

Whitehorse City Council Parenting Information Forums

Council’s Parenting Information Forum program provides valuable information and resources to parents, grandparents and carers of Whitehorse. Council will continue to offer the Whitehorse community an exciting calendar of forums in 2021.


Topics and guest speakers for the forums are carefully selected to reflect the diverse range of parenting approaches that individuals, communities and cultures within Whitehorse may hold.


The program achieves great outcomes for families, children and young people and reflects Council’s belief that effective parenting influences a child’s lifelong development and overall wellbeing. 


For more information on the forums, contact Council’s Parent Resource Officer on 9262 6175 or via email


- Kellie Ind, 

Assistant Principal


Important Reminders

For Students


In Term 2 students are expected to wear the Winter uniform. Students must wear a complete uniform, not half the summer uniform and half winter uniform, eg. wearing the summer dress with tights. 


Please also note:

  • If students want to wear scarfs, hats, gloves as it gets colder they must be navy blue.
  • If students wish to wear an extra layer beneath their uniform only white, plain t-shirts are permitted.
  • Only BHHS jackets are permitted to be worn.
  • No jewellery (apart from small earrings). No facial piercings are permitted.
  • No make up.


The start of class is a crucial time of learning which late students miss, as well as disrupting the learning of other students.

Students are expected to arrive to school by 8:20am in the morning so they have enough time to get to their lockers, get their books and be at class on time. 

For Parents

Drop off

Our preference is for students to be dropped off away from the school due to traffic issues at peak times, however, if you wish to drop your child off near the school:

  • Please park in the drop-off zone on the service road in front of the oval.
  • Do not stop in the middle of the service road or Middleborough road and let your child out.


Please note that smoking (or vaping) is not permitted anywhere on our school grounds.



Compass is our school management system. It is the key method for BHHS to communicate with our families. Therefore, it is vital that you regularly log into Compass. Compass enables you to:

  • Monitor your child’s attendance and enter explanation for absences or lateness.
  • Communicate with teachers.
  • View your child’s timetable and the school calendar to see upcoming events.
  • View reports.
  • Book parent teacher interviews.
  • Provide consent for events.

...and more.


Please follow the link to a guide on how to use Compass for parents:

A guide for parents & families (


 - Theresa Iacopino,

Assistant Principal