Respectful Relationships and Talking about Consent with your Teenager

There has been a recent focus in the media on the important topic of respectful relationships, consent and sexual assault. We will be more closely examining where this is explicitly covered in our curriculum in Term 2 as well as raising this awareness in the wider school community.
We currently cover the Respectful Relationships curriculum in our RESPECT program in Year 7-9 that examines gender stereotypes and how they can negatively impact on the ways people are treated based on their gender. These conversations about gender and power can occur in families even before a conversation on sexual consent. Children can also learn about personal boundaries and what to do if something is making them uncomfortable from an early age, and about listening to others and recognising non-verbal behaviours that indicate when someone is feeling uncomfortable. Parents and carers can raise this in the home even when watching TV shows together or reflecting on news items. There are a lot of pressures on young people, and influences outside school and the home could be having a negative impact on how our young people engage in relationships.
We have provided some useful links for parents and carers, to support conversations with your children and build a shared understanding.
- Kellie Ind, Assistant Principal
What is Consent? | Kids Helpline
A useful factsheet and infographic on what consent is and isn’t, the laws about who can consent and who can’t. Parents and Carers could look at this together with their children.
Understanding Consent - YouTube
Clip for younger children
CONSENT TEA (Australian Version - Female Voice Over) - YouTube
SPECIAL REPORT: A Conversation on Consent |
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg presents a short video (approx. 8 minutes) on the importance of covering consent in the home and at school to prevent sexual assault