
Music Captains

I am pleased to announce that Hayden Taylor, Stafford lee and Kate Pengelly are the Music Captains for 2021. All three students are very passionate musicians and I look forward to working with them throughout the year.

Instrumental Music

After a difficult 2020, the music department is up and running and we hoping it will stay that way so students are given the best musical experience possible. Term 2 is shaping up to be a busy term of music making with the Victorian School Music Festival, Band Camp and the Junior and Senior Concerts in the final week. Students will also be preparing for their 'Performance' learning task which will be held in week 4.

It has been wonderful to see all ensembles up and running again this year and we look forward to seeing all students perform at the mid-year concerts to be held in the hall.


 - Troy Rogers, 

Director of Music


Term 1

WeekDatePerformance/Activity - Ensemblelocation
10Tuesday, 30th March  10amVCE Top Class – Year 12   Recital Centre


Term 2

WeekDatePerformance/Activity - Ensemblelocation
2Thurs. 29th April    5pmOpen Night – Stage Band, Senior Strings and Wind SymphonyHall, H3 and H4
4Week beginning -Monday, 10th MayCAT 1 – Performance 1Teaching rooms

Thursday, 27th May 


Vocal Night Hall
7May 31st, June 1st - 3rd

VSMF Orchestra section    Senior Strings  and Intermediate strings 


Leonardian Centre, St Leonard's College
10Wed. 16th June – Fri. 18th JuneMusic Camp – Wind Symphony, Intermediate Concert Band and Junior Concert Band

Camp Oasis – Mt. Evelyn 


11Tues. 22nd JuneWinter Concert 1 7.30pm      Junior EnsemblesHall
11Wed.  23rd JuneWinter Concert 2 7.30pm   Hall    Senior EnsemblesHall