Principal Report

A message from the Principal

Ms Nerina Pretlove

We ended Term 1 on a high note with 18 of our Pasifika male students taking out first prize in the PCYC Haka Warrior Competition.  This was the result of endless hours of practice by the boys with the support of Blacktown PCYC and our wonderful teachers Ms Celeban and Ms Elliott. Congratulations, we are very proud of your success!


The end of the term also saw the publication of our new Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-24. This was the result of extensive data analysis and consultation across areas of teaching and learning. Ms Doyle led teams across the school to develop our plan that will frame our directions for the next four years. If you would like to learn more about our future directions, you can find a copy of the plan following the link below or on our school website. 


We welcome our new Deputy Principal, Ms Jennifer Shlemon, to our school.  She brings a wealth of experience in middle schooling and we are looking forward to her being part our leadership team as we move into some exciting times. 


Our Intensive English Centre Head Teacher, Ms Kavanagh, has developed an innovative adult literacy program, “Mum’s the Word” which is being delivered in our Homework Centre after school to great success.  It is wonderful to see some of our students’ mothers building their English literacy skills whilst their children are working with staff on their homework, assessments and study skills. A big thank you must go to Ms Kavanagh for her vision and its implementation.


There is much construction work still being undertaken across the school as part of our improvement plan. We have had new goal posts installed over the holidays in time for the footy season; our tiered seating, after being held up by the constant rain since Christmas, is nearing completion. Finally, we are moving closer to the commencement of our school hall renovations. 


With the lifting of the Covid-19 restrictions, we are now able to open our school up again and we are looking forward to inviting you to join us in a range of events including Parent and Teacher Nights, Subject Selection Evenings, performances and other whole school events. 


Nerina Pretlove
