Student Challenges

Each week we will have two or more student challenges. One will link directly to our school values, while the other one will be a bit of fun to break the boredom. Submitted photos / videos will go into the year level newsletter with winners announced at each level.
Last week: At Home Workout Challenge and Who Am I? Challenge
Thank you to everyone for your fantastic entries into the week 6 challenges. Have a look in the student newsletters to see some of the best entries.
Challenge 1 - Best Artwork Blind #PERSISTENCE
This challenge is for all those artists out there who would like a challenge. Using a scarf or hat to cover your eyes draw a picture of you sitting in your workspace whilst in isolation. Remember to use the college value of persistence to overcome this challenge.
Send your picture to by Monday 1st June. Don’t forget to tell us your full name and home group. Students who submit pictures will receive points for their house.
Challenge 2 - Bottle Flip #FUN
We all know the famous bottle flip challenge that went around the world a few years ago. Now is the time to give it a go again. Send through a 15 second video of you flipping a bottle to by Monday 1st June. Don’t forget to tell us your full name and home group. Students who submit a video will receive points for their house.
Results will be published in next week’s Sway.
Jacaranda’s Writing Competition
Got a story to share?
Jacaranda’s writing competition is now open to Years 7-12 students until June 26th, 2020.
For the first time, Jacaranda will be publishing winning stories in our new English titles, making this a truly once in a lifetime opportunity to have your work published.
We have a range of categories to suit all writers (short story, essay, poetry, flash fiction or micro-fiction) and plenty of prizes to be won.
What are you waiting for? Submit your entry today!
There are five categories to suit all writers, including:
· Short story – 4000 word limit (Fiction or Non-Fiction)
· Essay – 2000 word limit (Theme: COVID-19 Pandemic)
· Poetry – No word limit (Fiction or Non-Fiction)
· Flash Fiction – 1000 word limit
· Micro-Fiction – 300 word limit
Send your stories and consent form to