Wellbeing News


Week 9 Meditation - Just A Minute

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When we are feeling worried or stressed, we sometimes forget to think about the great things that happen in our lives. This is because the brain loves to focus on the problems we have so we can keep ourselves safe. BUT! We can actually train our brains to notice the things that went well or that were great during the day, more than noticing the things that did not go well. Focusing on ‘great things’ also trains our minds to think in a more positive way, just like training our bodies and making our muscles bigger and stronger. This helps us to make our brain stronger and healthier and build the ‘muscles’ in our brain. 

Try to write down three things each day that you are grateful for today. Try to look for different things each day. These can be very little things like having a nice soft bed to sleep in, a hug from someone you love or a laugh with a friend.








Did you know that our minds need to have 3 times more positive emotions than negative emotions and experiences for us to feel good? If something goes wrong then it can outweigh all the great things that happen during the day. This is because the brain loves to remember bad things and negative emotions to keep us safe. The negative emotions are more ‘sticky’ than positive ones. So we need to spend time focusing on what is good each day to train our brains. 


Counting to Five Meditation

This counting exercise can be a great way to start to learn where your mind wanders. 

This exercise helps you to stay focused on the breath by counting each in and out breath. All you need to do is count to 5 with each in and out breath and if you notice your mind wandering off, then start your counting again at 1. When you get to 5, start again at 1.


Lie down and make yourself comfortable.

  •  Place a hand on your belly and feel the body move up and down as you breathe
  • . Notice your breathing for a minute.
  •  Now start counting each breath.
  • Count “one” as you inhale, and “one” as you exhale.
  • Then do the same for each breath e.g. “two” inhale, “two” exhale, and so on, up to five
  • Then start back at “one.”
  • Remember to start back at 1 if you notice your mind wandering off.
  • You don’t need to try to change your breathing in any way, hold your breath or push it out, or change the natural  rhythm - you just need to be aware of your breathing. 
  • Have a go now at counting your breaths from 1 up to 5 with each breath.
  • Remember not to force the breath, but to follow its natural rhythm. 

We can’t help having feelings - it is normal and natural to have lots of feelings each day. This is just a part of being a human being ! It’s important not be ashamed for having any type of feeling - we all have them - good or bad ! 

All feelings come and go and sometimes it doesn’t feel good but that is ok. 

- Georgina Manning




Nicole O’Sullivan

Student Wellbeing and Learning Diversity Leader