Indigenous Liaison

Marsha Walters

Acting Indigenous Liaison Officer









Bilan Gudan,


After a challenging start to the Term, I would firstly like to acknowledge the effort from students and families in adapting so well to the online learning platform.  Students did not take long to settle back into the classroom for the second half and can all look forward to a deserving holiday.


On the 26th May through to the 3rd June staff and students recognised Reconciliation week. This year’s theme was ‘In this together’. It started with National Sorry Day where we remember and acknowledge the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, ‘The Stolen Generation’. This was a day to acknowledge the strength of survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for the Indigenous people and nation. Mrs Debel shared a video explaining Sorry Day with a beautiful prayer that students watched in religion. Here is the link in case you missed it. Staff and students wore lilac hibiscus flowers, which were chosen by The Kimberly Stolen Generation Elders, as they represent resilience and strength.


The last four weeks of this term Mrs Debel was on practicum leave teaching at a local primary school. She has continued to check on all of our students whilst she has been absent, she is very much looking forward to seeing all our students next term. I thoroughly enjoyed stepping into her position, getting to know the students. We welcome her back to a very busy Term 3 with NAIDOC celebrations, St Mary’s Day and the Athletics Carnival. 


This year’s NAIDOC theme is “Always Was, Always Will Be” and will be celebrated in late August. Thank you to all the students who gave up their lunch time to help paint the banners in the Kuiyam room. 


A big shout out to Miss Horgan for the amazing support she offers our students and a reminder that homework help will continue to be available in the Library every Wednesday in Term 3.