Deputy Principal

Clancie Neilson

Deputy Principal 









The College has settled back into the routine of face-face teaching and learning; as we near the end of Term 2, I think everyone is keenly anticipating the mid-year holiday. A time to reflect over the significant journey travelled this term and to revitalise for the second half of the year. Reports for Semester One will be uploaded to the parent portal over the holidays; due to COVID-19, these will appear in an altered format.  Year 12 reports will include their confirmed IA1 result.



Usually at the end of a semester, we use the end of semester report results to identify students who have excelled in their subjects across the curriculum.  Given COVID-19 and the changes to the reporting requirements, this will not be occurring for this semester. These reports are being prepared with the following disclaimer:


This modified Semester Report relates to a period when the educational program was disrupted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. The results are indicative in nature and are based on reduced assessment opportunities.


This means that there has not been a consistent approach taken to modifications across all of the subject areas (and acknowledges any inequities of access experienced during remote learning), therefore it makes the overall results unreliable in determining an accurate measure of excellence for the purpose of these awards.  With the return to our full curriculum expectations from Term 3, we look forward to recognising excellence in our students at the conclusion of Semester 2. We continue to encourage all students to remain intrinsically motivated to perform at their best.



This year, we will be presenting our subject information using an online platform ‘Virtual Subject EXPO’. HODs have spent considerable time preparing short clips for each of their subjects (both in the junior and senior space), outlining the coursework and potential pathways.  The site will include the Subject Information Handbooks and PowerPoint presentations that outline subjects, pathways and how to use the online WebPreferences program. Subject selections will occur in Term 3 using a web-based program (accessible from home) called WebPreferences. Webpreferences will open in Week 2 and close on Monday 10th August.


As students choose their subjects, it is important to remember to consider what they are good at and how it is relevant to their future pathway. Year 10s need to ensure they are considering any pre-requisites; these will be discussed in their SETPlan interviews with Ms Ambrose (see below).


Students and parents will receive notification when the Virtual Subject EXPO and the resources go live…


Year 10s moving into Senior Schooling

Year 10s, as a cohort, are soon to move into the Senior School. This is the time for them to focus on their individual pathway and choose subjects that will best support them as they move forward.  Ms Ambrose (Careers Counsellor) is currently conducting SETPlan (Senior Education & Training Plan) interviews with parents, using Zoom, and students. For students who are confident in their decision to move into the Vocational Education & Training (VET) course, Mr Nielsen is available to meet with students and parents. 


Heads of Department are all available for students and parents to seek guidance from, as am I. Please do not hesitate to contact the school to speak to one of us regarding options – our preference is that all students are fully informed before they make any decisions. 


Timetable Term 3

The Term 3 timetable will be shared with students and parents at the end of Week 10; it closely resembles the one we are currently using, with a slight change to Wednesday to accommodate the return of the Year 7-12 Sport program.