2021 Production "Matilda"

Vermont Secondary College

Matilda the Musical – School Production 2021


After nearly two years of hard work and resilience, the school production was finally able to happen in the final week of school for 2021. The cast, backstage crew, tech crew, hair and makeup crew, costume team and band rallied together to bring ‘Matilda’ to life, and it was a spectacular finale for a very tough year. We would like to commend all the students involved for their dedication and commitment to the gruelling rehearsal process, many stints of online rehearsals, and intensive dress rehearsal period. It is their hard work that enabled this show to be possible. 

At its core, Matilda is a show full of joy that celebrates what young people can achieve when they come together for a common cause. All students within this show truly embraced that message, and went above and beyond to bring creativity, flexibility, resilience and an attitude that centred on fun. 


We feel it is important to acknowledge the amazing efforts of so many, without whose help the show would not have been possible. The show’s choreography was done by a team of magnificent, and multitalented, Year 12 students, Maya Lee and Ruby Frostick. Together they did an outstanding job. Many students also stepped up to fill the roles of students who were unable to perform, and we would like to commend them on their bravery, team spirit and incredible contributions. We would also like to thank all of the Year Twelves, who worked immensely hard and came back after exams were finished to take part in many intensive rehearsals, sacrificing the first part of their well earnt holiday break. They were such a big part of setting the culture of the show, and they led the cast with enthusiasm and hope. We would also like to thank the Music Leaders, who were a group of students who stepped up and helped the cast to learn and refine the musical tracks in the show. 


We would also like to acknowledge some alumni who came back to support the show. Matt Chen returned this year to continue his fantastic work with our photography, poster and programme, and was incredibly helpful behind the scenes. We thank him for his time and the always exceptional quality of his work. Hayley Wootten, Hannah Frank and Amy Burchell were all invaluable supports, and Phillip Lee was a pivotal part of our cast. 


We would also like to acknowledge Matt Slater, as his contribution to the show in 2020 was a huge part of its success in 2021.To all other staff who assisted with hair, make-up, supervision, front of house, or simply supported the show by coming to see it, we sincerely thank you. Thank you also to the school community and staff, especially the English and Drama faculties, Canteen team and Principal Team, without whose generosity and problem solving, this show would not have been possible! Finally, thank you to all the parents for your patience and support! 

 - Victoria Adams, Ben Pearson and Caroline Leavey



Junior Leads:

Matilda: Natasha Ho 

Matilda: Samantha Curwood

Lavender: Charlotte Cetoupe 

Bruce: Charlie Barnett

Eric: Alyssa Huynh

Tommy: Amelia Ross 

Amanda: Becca Mitchell 

Alice: Emily Barnes- Read 

Hortensia: Amelia Truong

Nigel: Ava Gerrard

Daisy/Snark kid: Elise Brown 

Milly: Sue Anne Jian


Senior Leads:

Trunchbull: Ben Hamilton

Mr Wormwood: Jack Kokuzawa

Mrs Wormwood: Ruby Frostick/Ellie Ryan

Miss Honey: Ashleigh Hubber

Mrs Phelps: Ella Reid 

Michael Wormwood: Ryan Campbell

Doctor: Phillip Lee

Escapologist: Liam Callegaro

Acrobat: Bianca Johnston 

Rudolpho: Maya Lee/Kieren Maharaj

Sergei: Felicity Siegenthaler/Thomas Pugh

Children’s entertainer: Leah Cox / Ruby Frostick 


Featured Senior Ensemble: 

Ashlee McArthur

Chelsea Martin

Gabby Edwards

Heath Judd

Jamie Tsang

Keeley Zappia

Lucy Lloyd

Maddy Davidson

Maddy Edwards

Mitchell Fairley

Ryan Hoskin

Sue Wern Jian


Junior Ensemble: 

Abby Serpell-Wilcock

Amy Robinson 

Bella Bloodworth

Chloe Czarny

Emma Stockley

Heath Judd

Kaitlyn Arrowsmith

Madeline Ballerini-Wallis

Meesha Kothari



Chloe Dam 

Jorja Wallis 

Yanxi Zhou



Woodwind: Chantelle Cottren

Woodwind: Adam Bain

Trumpet: Felicity Siegenthaler

Trumpet: Geordie Frostick

Trombone: Adrian Holschier

Violin: Saksham Chhangani

Keyboard: Tiarne Grummisch

Guitar: Alexander Lee

Bass and Percussion: Kurt Ennis

Bass and Percussion: Isabella Wiin

Cello: Timothy Wong


Tech Crew: 

Jai Anandaraj

Peter Anemikos

Mason Butterworth

Ryan Cottren

Colin Dam

Amelie Davenport

Emily Eastwell

Evan McGrail

Emma Nijk

Nik Sampson

Ryan Siu

William Tabe

John Tiang

Tim Turakulov

Kieren Wastie


Costume and Hair/Make-up: 

Finn Hagop

Iris Zhao

Jessica Tabe



Seema Abusalma

Willow Behrman

Hubert Choong

Kim Dixon

Connor Ellis

Max Gibson

Imani Klair

Sreya Koturu

Sascha Lee

Harry Mummery

Lamar Saab

Felicity Siegenthaler

Tara Siu

Sarah Sumner 

Ella Van Zuylen

Daniel Waite


Production Team

Director: Victoria Adams

Assistant Director: Caroline Leavey

Musical Director (Cast): Katy Anitema

Musical Director (Band): Jeremy Shannon

Choreographers: Maya Lee and Ruby Frostick 

Featured Choreographers: Lisa McIntosh, Hayley Wootten and Hannah Frank

Supporting Music Director/Russian Language Coach: Svetlana Mishuk

Producer: Ben Pearson

Tech Director: Dion Beauglehall

Hair and Make Up Co-ordinator: Sarah Gerrard

Photography and Publicity: Matthew Chen

Lighting Tech: Lachlan Campbell

Ticketing and Front of House: Cindy Wu

Costumes: Victoria Adams

Costume Assistant: Jessica Tabe

Production Assistant: Amy Burchell