Assistant Principal Report - Junior School and Wellbeing

By June Sainsbery

Welcome back everyone, and a warm welcome to our new families who have joined Parkdale.  The students have settled in well and for our Year 8 and 9 students, undertaking rollover last year enables a smooth start.


We are looking forward to acknowledging the students who achieved outstanding academic results in 2021 at Year Level Assemblies in the next couple of weeks. 


Our new Year 7s are starting to find their feet as they become familiar with the routines and processes in secondary school.  On the first day, they were all on time and settled into their Tutor Groups lines in the gym before the bell went – very impressive!  They are wearing their new uniforms proudly and it has been a pleasure to wander around the locker space and grounds at lunchtime and recess getting to know the students. 


We are planning a ‘Meet the Tutor’ evening (which will be held remotely due to Covid restrictions) and the Year 7 Team will communicate details about the evening to parents/carers.


Please support us by checking your child’s uniform and ensuring that it is meeting the policy as outlined on pages 21 – 23 in the Student Organiser.  If your child is out of uniform, please send a note to school with your child detailing the uniform item that is not correct and a date when the student will be in correct uniform.  Your child’s Tutor Teacher will then issue a ‘Uniform Pass’.  Please also check that all uniform items are labelled – I have already found brand new sports jackets left outside with no names on them.


Thanks to all for your support and please contact your child’s Tutor Teacher should you have any general questions in relation to processes and your child’s transition. Any specific questions in relation to subjects should be directed to that subject teacher.