Jackson Learner

Jackson Learner Dashboard
To also support with our knowledge and understanding of our Jackson Learners, we have developed a Jackson Learner Dashboard which can be accessed below or via The Portal or the Teams Staffroom General Tab.
Jackson Learner Dashboard: https://eduvic.sharepoint.com/sites/JacksonSchool/Portal/SitePages/Jackson-Learner-Dashboard.aspx
This can be used by staff to view a snapshot of contextual groups of learners (CGOLS) in their class, year level, cohort or whole school. Staff can also filter by individual students.
It includes information about students including:
Vulnerable / At Risk
- Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islanders (ATSI)
- Refugee
- Out of Home Care (OOHC)
- English as an Additional Language
- Access Restrictions
- Social Disadvantage / Equity Funding
- ASD, ADHD, Down Syndrome, ODD, Mobility, Vision, Hearing
- Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Allergies
- PSD Funding Level
- NDIS Participation
Contextual Groups of Learners Virtual Data Wall: https://app.powerbi.com/links/EBbxCpKqfC?ctid=d96cb337-1a87-44cf-b69b-3cec334a4c1f&pbi_source=linkShare
The Breadth of Learners Page from teacher judgement data (DET Achievement Levels) is now also available.
Breadth of Learners Virtual Data Wall: https://app.powerbi.com/links/04t7u8oNRW?ctid=d96cb337-1a87-44cf-b69b-3cec334a4c1f&pbi_source=linkShare
Jackson Learner Profiles in Xuno & Tier 3 SSGs
To support our knowledge of our students, information sharing and transition, documentation of SSGs and for us to document ongoing levels of adjustment we provide to our students, we have revised the Jackson Learner Profile in Xuno. This now includes a section called the Individual Education Plan (Teaching Strategies, Adjustments & Supports) which will be completed at SSGs with families around a student's Long Term Goals. The Term 3 SSG form (Monitor & Evaluate) has now been incorporated into this one document.
During Term 3 2021, the leadership team conducted Tier 3 SSGs for our most vulnerable students and piloting the use of this revised Jackson Learner Profile. In Term 4 staff updated these profiles in their Jackson Learner periods as a PLT to support and strengthen transition through Jackson.
The Behaviour Support Plans (now follows de-escalation cycle) and Health Support Plans (to include NDIS and DI domains) have also been updated.