Admin, HR & Finance Update

Administration Update
Staff Absences
A reminder to all staff, If you are going to be absent from work including testing positive for COVID-19, please ensure you complete the Staff Absence Form on the portal and call the staff absence line (03 9366 4322; Option 2) by no later than 7:00am on the morning you are going to be absent.
Your leave must be entered on eduPay within 5 business days and any medical/carer certificates or stat decs must be either uploaded to eduPay as a photo or .pdf file or handed to the general office.
Positive COVID Cases
If any staff member receives a positive test result at any time, they must report this through the Department of Health system or via the coronavirus hotline at 1800 675 398.
Staff must also report a positive COVID-19 result using EduPay, on the day they received a positive test result. Infectious diseases leave for any required quarantine period may be approved in circumstances where there is evidence from a medical practitioner. Staff who report a positive result must isolate for seven days and not attend school during that period. Staff must refrain from returning to school if they remain symptomatic, even after the 7 days isolation, unless it is known that their symptoms are caused by an underlying health condition or medication. A negative test is not required to return to school following completion of 7 days of isolation.
What type of contact are you?
Household or household-like contacts
- You have spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation or care facility.
- You must quarantine for 7 days.
- You must get tested on Day 1 of quarantine (or as soon as possible) and get tested again on Day 6 of quarantine - with a rapid antigen test, or a PCR test if you can’t access a rapid antigen test.
- If you test positive on a rapid antigen test, you must report your result. Visit Reporting your result page for more information.
- Household or household-like contacts are also referred to as close contacts.
All other contacts
- Someone who has COVID-19 has informed you that you are their social contact, or a workplace or education facility has informed you that you are a workplace or education contact.
- If you have symptoms, you must use a rapid antigen test, or get a PCR test if you can’t access a rapid antigen test.
- If you don't have symptoms, you are recommended to use a daily rapid antigen test for 5 days.
- If you test positive on a rapid antigen test, you must report your result. Visit Reporting your result page for more information.
- If you don’t have symptoms and cannot access a rapid antigen test then monitor for symptoms and get tested if symptoms emerge.
For more information:
Stationery Packs
Staff and student stationery packs have been ordered for 2022 and will be delivered on Monday 31st January 2022.
To minimise surplus supplies being left each year, the stationery packs ordered for students in 2022 have been streamlined into 2 packs, one pack for primary classes and one for secondary students.
We understand there might be items that are not included in these packs which your students may require. Please check the archive room or any other supplies to see if there is any surplus stationery from previous years which you can take, else, please raise a purchase order and place an order through Complete Office Supplies (COS) for the items your students/classes require.
HR Update
Staff Personal Details on eduPay
It is vital that all staff ensure their personal details including mailing/contact details and emergency contacts are correct and up to date on eduPay.
These details flow into various systems and are used in emergency situations.
Can all staff please log in to eduPay and verify/update your personal details including emergency contacts.
Please use this quick reference guide to assist you in verifying/updating your personal detail in eduPay.
Should you still require assistance, please see Matt.
VIT and WWCC details in eduPay.
It is a requirement of employment that all staff are required to ensure their VIT or WWCC details are correct and updated in eduPay including attaching a copy of your latest VIT/WWCC card.
If you have yet to update & upload your latest VIT/WWCC details in eduPay, can you please do this as a matter of urgency.
We will be undertaking an audit in early term 1 to ensure all details are up to date.
Finance Update
2022 Cash Budgets
Our 2022 cash budgets will open to all staff from Thursday the 3rd February 2022.
To assist staff with understanding the cash budgets and what general ledger codes to use on the purchase order system, the SRP Reference Book has been updated and is available to view here.
For all purchases of goods and services, an itemised purchase order must be completed and signed off by the budget leader (for most staff this will be your PLT leader) and either Matt, Anthony or Robyn prior to ordering all goods and services.
Any invoices without a purchase order being completed first will not be paid and Purchasing Cards will not be given to staff without a purchase order being completed first.
For 2022, we are trying to streamline our processes and aim to be paperless where possible.
When you have ordered your goods and services and you receive the invoice, if it is in an email, rather than printing it out, please forward it to and in the email, please just let us know the purchase order number.
If you receive a physical invoice, simply write the purchase order number on the invoice and either hand it into the office or send us a copy (photo or scan) of it via email.
Should you need any assistance with the budgets or with ordering goods and services, please see Matt.
Procurement Policy
To ensure we comply with DET's procurement policy, the following changes will take effect in 2022:
● If you plan to order a good or service which totals above $2,500, please see Anna or Matt first as there is now additional paperwork and contracts which needs to be completed prior to ordering the good or service.
A formal written quote will also need to be obtained as part of this process.
● We will be moving to DET managed suppliers to order goods and services through as part of the Procurement Policy.
For most staff, the major change you will notice as part of the move to DET managed supplier will be:
- for any stationery supplies including paper, book, pens/pencils and any other classroom resources these must be ordered through Complete Office Supplies and can no longer be ordered through Officeworks or PaperChase.
- Fuel for school buses will shortly only be allowed to be purchased through BP service stations. * We will notify staff when this change occurs.
Please refer to page 39 of the 2022 SRP Reference Guide for information about which suppliers can be used to order goods or services and the login details and or process to purchase the goods or services.