COVID: Operations Guide

Following the announcement by the Premier and the Minister for Education on Sunday 23 January, below there is key information about the school operations settings expected to be in place for the first 4 weeks of Term 1 2022, including:
- daily free rapid antigen testing (staff and students)
- reporting and managing positive results
- tiered staffing arrangements (internal, CRTs, split classes, surge support staff)
- ventilation (we now have 54 air purifiers across the school)
- vaccination (99.7% double dose, third/booster mandated by 25th Feb 2022*)
Click on the link to view the most current operations guide. Login first and re-click on the link: Operations Guide.
In summary, the settings provide for a continuation of the COVIDSafe measures in place at the end of 2021, with a focus on the “3Vs” of Ventilation, Vaccination, and Vital COVIDSafe steps, including wearing masks, staying home when unwell, and physical distancing.
The key differences relate to the use of rapid antigen tests (RAT) and ending individual contact tracing.
The following new settings will be in place for all schools.
Rapid antigen testing
Free RATs will be made available through schools for use by all students and staff from the start of Term 1 2022.
For the first 4 weeks of term, daily testing on school days will be strongly recommended for special school staff and students. This is to provide a higher level of surveillance for students with disabilities because of the greater risk associated with COVID-19 for some students with disabilities.
RATs will be delivered to schools in the week commencing Monday 24 January and all schools are expected to receive tests by Tuesday 1 February. When schools have received their delivery of tests, we will make them available for collection by parents/carers as soon as possible in the week commencing Monday 24 January. Tests will be provided in packs of five. The initial distribution must be limited to one pack per student. From Tuesday 1 February, where parents/carers have not been able to collect a testing pack, packs can be distributed directly to students to take home (again, this must be limited to one pack per student). Testing will be conducted at home, and students and staff must report any positive result. There is no requirement to report a negative result.
Reporting and managing positive results
Where a positive result is recorded by a student on a rapid antigen test, their parent/carer or student must report that result to the Department of Health via the COVID-19 Positive Rapid Antigen Test Self-Reporting Form or call the centre on 1800 675 398.
The parent/carer or student must also report the result directly to the school, preferably using the new RA Test Portal or by calling the school on 9366 4322 and selecting Option 4. Where a note or phone call is used, the school must enter that information into the VicEd COVID Tool. The portal and tool will be live later this week.
Where a positive result is recorded by a staff member, that result must be reported to the Department of Health via the COVID-19 Positive Rapid Antigen Test Self-Reporting Form or call centre on 1800 675 398. Staff must also report a positive result through EduPay. A new tile to enable the reporting of COVID test results will be available on the EduPay portal from Monday 24 January. Staff must continue to also follow our normal absence procedures by no later than 7:00am. For more information see the Admin update page.
Staff who report a positive result must isolate for seven days and not attend school during that period. Staff must refrain from returning to school, even after the 7 days, if they remain symptomatic, unless it is known that their symptoms are caused by an underlying health condition or medication. A negative test is not required to return to school following completion of 7 days of isolation.
Schools are no longer required to individually identify the close contacts of a positive case. Instead, schools need to inform the school community, at the earliest opportunity, that:
- there was a positive case onsite
- all members of the school community should monitor closely for symptoms
- staff and students should continue with 5-times-a-week rapid antigen testing
Staffing arrangements
It is likely that some schools will experience workforce pressures as a result of staff returning positive COVID test results.
The following steps will be used to address any such pressures to enable face-to-face schooling to be maintained:
(A) use normal staffing procedures to cover staff absences (internal cover)
(B) engage casual relief teacher staff (Local & ANZUK), including the new surge support staff (further information about these staff will be provided shortly)
(C) liaison with local regional/area staff to determine the availability of qualified central/regional office staff to provide support for student supervision.
Where these options have been fully utilised, and additional support is still required, staff in all schools who are in isolation as a result of being a household contact are eligible for an exemption from that isolation requirement.
Under the conditions of the exemption, school staff who are asymptomatic household contacts can, with their agreement, return to work and teach as usual during the isolation period if it is necessary for continuity of operations of the school and if other options have been exhausted, subject to the infection prevention and control requirements set out below being met:
- undertake a daily rapid antigen test for 5 days, return a negative result prior to attending work each day and report their RAT result on eduPay
- always wear a mask, including while teaching and in the company of others, except for when eating or drinking. Using a P2/N95 mask or TGA-approved P2-equivalent mask is strongly recommended. Schools will be provided with a supply of these masks
- only enter shared break areas, including staff rooms, except for essential reasons
- where possible, work in areas where transmission risk is lower (outside, where possible, or in large, well-ventilated spaces)
- other than when attending school, staff must isolate in accordance with public health requirements
The requirement of all staff to notify their principal if they test positive on a RAT continues to apply to staff working under this exemption. Such staff must also notify their principal if they develop symptoms and should immediately undertake a PCR test or RAT.
Ensuring adequate ventilation is one of the most effective measures to keep schools safe. An information poster and factsheet for staff are available below:
Jackson School has now received 54 air purifiers and have been disrupted to high population areas and classrooms.
On the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, school staff will be added to the list of workers in key sectors who must receive a third dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to continue working in education settings.
If you received 2 vaccinations on or before the 25th October 2021, you are mandated to get your third dose/booster by 25th February 2022 to continue to work.
If you received 2 vaccinations after the 25th October 2021, you are mandated to get your third dose/booster by 15th March 2022 to continue to work.
Staff can access up to half a day’s paid release from duty to attend third-dose COVID-19 vaccine appointments. Schools are asked to exercise maximum flexibility in enabling staff to make and attend vaccination appointments. Staff are requested to make appointments at times that minimise disruption to the educational program of the school and supports for students. Staff will receive an email about third-dose vaccination in the coming days. For further information about how staff will be supported to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, contact the Schools People Services general HR phone line: 1800 641 943.
Staff and students aged 18 and over who had their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine 3 or more months ago are eligible for their third dose now. All eligible staff and students should be strongly encouraged and supported to obtain their third dose at the earliest opportunity.
For more information, including how to book and information about walk-in vaccination sites, refer to COVID-19 vaccine third dose.
COVIDSafe Plans
Click below to download our COVIDSafe Management Plan:
A presentation setting out the key elements of the school’s COVIDSafe Plan and a summary of what has changed this term compared to last term will be shared with staff on the first Curriculum Day.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance. These steps are critical to ensure we can provide as safe an environment as possible for all students and staff. This in turn will provide an environment for all students and staff, but particularly new students transitioning to school to have the best possible start to the 2022 school year.