From the Principal

Michelle Bruitzman

~ Do all that you do with love ~

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


Welcome to the 2002 school year and to the first edition of our school newsletter.

This newsletter is where you will find all you need to know about the wonderful things that are happening at St Therese's School.


It was wonderful to welcome our beautiful new Foundation students to their first day of 'Big School' today. Each student walked through the gates as though had been doing it for years! They were so confident and ready to be at school. Thank you to the wonderful parents who prepared their children so well for this milestone of beginning primary school.


We were also so happy to see all the Year One to Year Six students return today. They made a great start to their learning and made the new students in their classes feel included and welcome.


I have attached a document titled 'For Those Going to School'. It is a great read and reminds us all that parents are the first educators of their children and what you do matters more than what you say! 


COVID Restriction Update

Last week, we sent out information regarding the restrictions that have been put in place to keep our school community safe and healthy. I have attached the information sheet for your reference.



RAT kits were handed out to each student today who had not collected their kit on Friday or Monday. A letter was also provided outlining the recommendation of when to administer the RAT tests. If your child has tested positive with COVID please ensure to notify the school as soon as possible. For 30 days after the positive result, it will not be necessary to use the RAT kits.


We are looking forward to a great year ahead and are excited to partner with you to provide a loving, nurturing environment that is rich in learning opportunities.


Michelle Bruitzman
