Principal's news

Katrina Brennan

Welcoming students back to School last week was such a pleasure. While the weather varied from the very humid, to raging storms (and floods!), students have been happy to return and I am sure that as parents, you have been very pleased that the opportunity to learn in person has been open to your daughters.


I take this opportunity to welcome our families and particularly those new to Shelford.


It is important that parent’s views and opinions are considered and that I understand Shelford from your perspective. As such, each Friday afternoon will be allocated to parent meetings from 3pm onwards. I am happy to make appointments with any parent that wishes to come and discuss any aspect of Shelford with me. Please contact Marie De Sousa to make a time:


In addition, this year we will hold two Q&A sessions for parents, wherein a panel comprising the Chair of the Board, Pam Russell, the Shelford Parents’ Association (SPA) President Andy Langridge and Deputy President Andrew Mott, myself and our Deputy Principals, will answer parent questions. We are confirming dates for 2022 and will advertise these. Please come to these sessions, meet with us and forward questions that you would like to ask, in relation to any aspect of Shelford and its operations/strategic direction.


Our SPA is a wonderful group of families, committed to supporting Shelford students and Shelford’s programs and operations. I thank them for putting on a wonderful welcome event for our families last Friday. 


I encourage families to be involved with SPA, who work in different ways with the school and are always happy to welcome new members. Similarly, we will be asking for volunteers for the Class Representative roles shortly and I urge you to consider taking up this important role.


Throughout the year, we survey parents to gain your views on areas of the school such as wellbeing, teaching and learning, extra curricula opportunities, communication, facilities, and governance. In Term 3 we complete a Parent Satisfaction Survey. Please let us know your thoughts and ideas, as these surveys inform our improvements and planning. 


The Chair of the Board recently wrote to the community about our revised Complaints and Grievance Policy. This lays out clearly the procedure for complaints, in terms of the appropriate staff member at Shelford with whom to raise an issue, so that we can work together to improve the situation, or at the very least, provide information and context around any decisions or situations.


Do not hesitate to see me about our school – we are all part of the village raising our students/your daughters and open and candid, clear and respectful communication, is vitally important.


Katrina Brennan
