All articles published week beginning  21 September 2020

Year 7

Welcome to the final week of Term 3. It is strange that this term has simultaneously felt like the longest and shortest in existence. We know that the students are all very exhausted and are more than ready for the holidays (all of their teachers are definitely feeling the same!). We are pleased that most students have maintained exceptional behaviour and have really stepped up to the challenge of this term.  


Over the past two weeks, the Year 7 cohort have been finishing up their ‘leadership’ activities. Our wellbeing unit culminated with each Homeroom organising a farewell present for their corresponding Year 12 Homeroom. We tasked the students to plan, organise and execute this and it was achieved with great success.  

The presents were very diverse and impressive. They ranged from layered cookie jars to stress balls to succulents. The Year 12s were exceptionally grateful for the thought and care that was displayed and we are very proud of the Year 7s effort.  

The Year 7 cohort were lucky enough to have a presentation by Mr Paul Humble last Monday, focussing on leadership at The Riverina Anglican College. Mr Humble outlined that leadership is consistently about serving others. He encouraged the students to consistently show kindness to others and to continue to be flexible with their approach to others. Mr Humble also outlined that in a year’s time the Year 7 students would be beginning the process for Year 9 Prefect leadership and for students to keep this in mind over the course of the next 12 months.  


Just a reminder that if you pick up your child early, or drop them off during the day, the student needs to be signed into or out of the Front Office. This is often not occurring, which is leading to incorrect notations on students’ files.  


We hope that you and your family have a safe and restful holiday and are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Elizabeth Passlow back from her maternity leave next term.  

Justin Buckley | Acting Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 

Fox and Stanley House 

Lauren Kelly | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 7 

Browning and Sheppard House 

Year 8

Welcome to the Week 10 edition of our Year 8 report for Term 3.


And so it is that we come to the close of our seventh term of high school (only sixteen to go!). It has been a nice fortnight for us to celebrate the outgoing class of 2020, and to also take a moment to stop and think about what sort of legacy the class of 2024 would like to leave. 


During the graduation, there were two sections of the various speeches that stood out to me and were particularly relevant to our Year group:

  • Mr Humble speaking about the value of kindness. It is such an easy choice to be kind, and everyone benefits. I feel particularly blessed that overall, kindness is a popular choice amongst our Year 8 cohort. I consistently get positive feedback from both staff and students about the quality of character that our students show.
  • Mr Fuller speaking about the importance of relationships, with an emphasis on the thoughts of Phil Knight (Nike founder and CEO). His reflection on his grossly successful business life, but how it came at a cost to his personal relationships; a fact he lamented when he lost his son to a scuba diving accident. Mr Fuller spoke about how school provides the opportunity to collect an array of keys, that can open various doors in future life. These keys can be academic to open future study or employment doors, social keys to open relationship doors, or emotional keys formed through resilience and experience. It is important for our students to take the time to appreciate what is important to them and to put energy into that which matters most. The Riverina Anglican College is blessed to provide the opportunity for a multitude of keys, it is simply up to the kids to take the initiative to grab onto them.

It was exciting for me having thoughts about our own graduation in 2024 and how, realistically, that it does not seem that far away. I will encourage our students to begin to think about what sort of legacy we would like to leave behind at The Riverina Anglican College.


I hope that you all have a safe and enjoyable break and I am looking forward to the final term of 2020. I am always happy to discuss your child’s progress via email, phone, or face-to-face. Please contact Jennifer or me if you have any questions or concerns.

Luke Richardson | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 8

Jennifer Jenkins | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - of Year 8

Year 9

We have made it to the end of Term 3. It has been really pleasing to see students wearing the College uniform so well all the way through to the end of term. A huge congratulations to Claire Heazlewood, Kathryn Anderson, Rose Wickson, Lachlan Wilkinson, Angus Smith, Kristy Sauw and Diya Bhengra for their part in winning first and second place in the Tournament of Minds. Special commendation also goes to Claire Heazlewood for her part in the very successful Mock Trial team. A big congratulations to the Year 9 students who spent last Sunday planning, writing, proofing and publishing a story as part of ‘Write a book in a day’. Students were given a new Timetable in Homeroom this week. Term 4 will look a little different to accommodate for Year-based sport activities on the College’s grounds. Year 9 will now have sport on Thursday afternoons. It was great to see the Year 9 students in the inaugural TRAC Handball competition and to see them enthusiastically support the annual Roesler Shield basketball match. There was also lots of positive interaction between the Year 9s and Year 12s as they said their goodbyes on Wednesday. I hope students were able to reflect on the Leadership displayed by the Year 12 students and be encouraged to reflect on what positive impacts they will have on TRAC before they leave. I hope everyone has a restful and relaxing term break.

Emma Smith | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 9

Issac Mannion | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 9

Year 10

As the term draws to an end and students get to be involved in farewelling Year 12 by supporting them with sausage sizzles, Roesler Shield, morning teas and competitions such as handball, it becomes a time to reflect on their interactions with senior students and consider the type of leaders they would like to be in their forthcoming senior years. 


Year 10 will now have had their subjects finalised for Year 11 and 12 and if they have any queries they should come and speak with Mr Heffer or myself. 


I hope your child has an enjoyable and happy holiday with much-needed R and R.

Meegan Johnson | Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 10

Trevor Dawson | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing -  Year 10

Year 11

We made it! Year 11 is all but over.


I am extremely proud of Year 11s’ approach and demeanour throughout the Examination Process. The students were complimented on a number of occasions by the invigilators.


Wellbeing day

Year 11 will be involved in a Wellbeing day to be held on Tuesday 13 October. (Tuesday Week 1 Term 4). The day will involve activities based around leadership, team building, problem solving and relationships. Students will need to make their own way to and from Wagga Wagga Beach starting at 9am and concluding at 4pm. The cost for the day will be $10 which includes a BBQ lunch. Students have been provided with a permission note and a copy has been placed on the College website. These notes will need to be returned by Friday 25 September.


Academic Day

On Thursday, 15 October Year 11 will be out of class and will be provided with information regarding HSC/IB. This day will be highly informative as we will cover concepts such as assessment, scaling, ATAR and the HSC and IBDP expectations for Year 12. Further information will be sent home for your perusal.


Leadership Team

A day has also been set aside for the leadership team and further information will be provided at a later time.


Roesler Shield

WE WON!!!!!

Congratulations to Year 11 who were victorious over Year 12 in the annual Roesler Shield basketball game.  The game was extremely close - fuelled with emotion and pride.


The team consisted of Riley Angel, Joseph Bousfield, Tully Forbes, Ethan Weidemann, Billy Glanvill, Will Treharne, Ryan Collins, Sam Stening, George Kirolus, Sam McNaughton and Nathan Bloor.


The boys were not on their own as the Year 11 cohort were in full support of them. Special thanks to Amelia Fitzgerald, Annabelle Taylor, Eliza Howard, Maddi Stout for their further support and motivation.


As we head into the ‘business’ end of senior schooling I am looking forward to working more closely with both students and families as we complete the final hurdle of HSC and IBDP.


Yours in Wellbeing

Amall Liakatos | Leader of Wellbeing - Year 11

Kelly Bowen | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - of Year 11

Year 12

Thanks for your support over the past 6 years. Thanks for letting us be part of this journey. See you at the Graduation Dinner in November.


Dane Fuller | Leader of Wellbeing - 12

Kim Kjaer | Assistant Leader of Wellbeing - 12