Term 4 Collaboration

Throughout the past three years, the College has been engaged in a range of reviews and in Term 4, I will be contacting all students, parents and staff to seek their views on a range of important considerations. First up will be wellbeing.


One of the most important sources is student voice. I will be engaging all of our students to discuss what they feel their needs are in the areas of mental health, anxiety, depression, relationships, peer pressure, healthy lifestyles, bullying, cyber-culture, trust, eating disorders, body image, sexual health, friendships and so on. I will be seeking this information from an age and gender perspective. 


Over the break, I would like to encourage you to discuss these topics (and any others that come up) with your child because I will also be asking parents for their insights regarding the wellbeing focus for their children.    

Year 12 - 2021

Yes…it happens that quickly.


As one Year Group finish up, another begins the final leg of the journey. Such is the life of a school. Our Year 11 students have found themselves as the Year 12’s all of a sudden and the HSC and IB examinations loom as a very real thing! For many parents, this will be the first time on this wonderful (and frightening merry-go-round) and like the students, they often need some guidance. I would like to share some insights into helping the students prepare for one of the biggest years of their lives.

  • Year 12 is a continuation of Year 11 in terms of learning and study. It actually starts for students from Term 4.
  • Many students begin to feel anxious about the HSC so help them plan a study and leisure routine that includes enough study, activity, social activities and sleep.  It is essential to keep all lines of communication open. Seeing it all planned out (the BIG picture), and sticking to the schedule can assist calm anxious students and motivate those in need of a little encouragement.
  • Have your child share their assessment and homework calendar, be cognizant of all exams and assessment dates set reminders.
  • Try to avoid any big decisions that could affect your child this year – including family holidays and changes in living arrangements, if at all possible.
  • Good nutrition is particularly important for your child right now.
  • A good balance of work and play is important for their wellbeing this year. If your child has a part-time job, make sure it's manageable and fits in with all the other responsibilities they have.
  • Stay in contact with the College, especially if there are concerns. Year 12 teachers (all staff) want their students to achieve the best possible results and typically appreciate parents who are interested and supportive.
  • Contact the appropriate Leader of Wellbeing if you are concerned about your child's social/emotional wellbeing or how they're handling Year 12 studies.
  • Remember, the HSC and the IB focus is only for a short period of time. Support your child to give it all they have, but also to remember the ATAR at the end is not the sole indicator of their worth. There are many alternative pathways to most careers.







Paul Humble | Principal