From the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

Mr Paul Brooks

Marist Service Awards

Each year, Marist Schools Australia recognises staff in their various ministries with an acknowledgement for service to Marist education. These awards recognise staff members who have given dedicated service for ten, twenty, twenty-five years and forty years. At the conclusion of the recent Mass for the Feast of Pope St Gregory the Great, ten current members of the College staff were acknowledged and those present during Mass each received a certificate to recognise these milestones. We take this opportunity to thank and congratulate each one of these valued members of the St Gregory’s College staff. In another section of the Newsletter, further details of these awards are provided, including the citations for each of the staff members who were presented with these awards. I encourage you to read each of these statements that try to briefly describe some of the tremendous contributions of each of these staff.



A Respectful and Unified Community

In the last Newsletter, I wrote specifically about the inappropriateness of using foul and offensive language and emphasised that it isn’t acceptable to be swearing or using language in a way that upsets or offends others. In this Newsletter, I wish to focus on the great importance that we place on showing respect for others. At a recent line-up, I spoke to the boys in the Senior School about having respect for all of the adults in the College environment, teachers and non-teaching staff. Whilst most students on most days do show this respect, there have been a few recent instances when a small number of students have failed in their responsibility to be respectful of staff members. The reason for highlighting this matter in the Newsletter is to reaffirm the stance taken by the College when it comes to any disrespect for staff. We have a zero-tolerance stance which means it is never acceptable to be disrespectful towards staff and there are very serious consequences for students if they in any way do not abide by this significant and important expectation. At the same time, I indicated to students that they can expect to be afforded the same courtesy by staff members. As always, I thank and acknowledge the vast majority of parents and carers who support these high standards and expectations set by the College and the actions taken when necessary to address any matters of concern with individual students or groups. 




Term 4 Uniform

With the penultimate term of the year quickly coming to close, it is timely to offer this reminder that students return to Term 4 in their summer uniform. In the Senior School, this consists of:

  • College short-sleeved crested shirt.
  • College tailored grey shorts or long trousers.
  • Black leather belt.
  • Plain black socks (if trousers are worn) or long grey socks (if shorts are worn).
  • Maroon woollen jumper, if necessary.
  • Black leather school or dress shoes with black laces.
  • College cap with emblem, to be worn when outdoors. 

Please take the time in the next month to ensure that all is in readiness for the return to school in summer uniform in Term 4.






Mr Paul Brooks

College Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School