Room 3


River Murray Learning

Room 3 have been learning about the Murray river and its significance to thousands of Australians who rely on its water source for their daily water supply and livelihoods. We have been shocked by the devastation caused by drought and decided it was vital to help others understand the importance of reducing their water use in their own homes. We hope you like our posters and can learn something new about how you can play your part to save the Murray.


Our class pet - Legend the long-necked turtle


We have recently had a new addition to the classroom, a long-necked turtle also known as an Eastern snake-necked turtle who we have named ‘Legend’. 

Legend is an Australian fresh water turtle, he has a decorative shell, webbed feet with claws and of course a long neck.  We feed him every 2 days, his favourite foods are small fish or beef heart.


We enjoy observing Legend and often find him observing us too!