From the Principal



Students in Year 2-7 have been undertaking the Reading Comprehension and Maths tests – with all students completing them by the end of this week.

These assessments are diagnostic. Teachers will be analyzing each student’s results to determine  where their strengths are and also to see where any gaps in understanding may be. Teaching for term 4 will be focused on making improvements in these areas.

Students will be actively involved in working with teachers to learn about what they are good at and also what they need to learn or achieve for their year level.

Our results so far this year show significant improvement across all year levels. This improvement is indicative of our focus on explicit teaching of reading comprehension skills in all classes.


Our Year 1 students undertook a phonics screening test this week. Early results show significant improvement from 2019 results. Our focus on streamlining our teaching approach to phonics this year has been a major factor in this improvement.

Once we have all results in we will inform you all in our next newsletter.


Thanks you to those families who have already donated to our fundraising effort this year. We understand the impact COVID-19 may have had and remind families that all donations are strictly voluntary. 

Unfortunately due to the Department for Education requirement that schools continue to practice safe physical distancing we cannot invite parents or carers to our Colour Run this year. 

We thank you for your understanding and will post photos on our Facebook page as well as in our school newsletter.


Our senior students will be hosting a science fair in week 10. They will be visiting Reception – Year 4 classes and demonstrating their learning in Chemical Science – teaching the younger students why certain chemicals react in different and exciting ways when mixed together.

Thanks to Mr M for ensuring our students learn and love to learn scientifically!