From the Assistant Principal 

Same storm...different boats


Recently the SEIL (Senior Education Improvement Leader) for our network Kerrie Anderson chatted to the Principal's Network about the myth that 'we are all in the same boat'. This is a phrase that is becoming ever unpopular as our society navigates a new 'Covid-normal'.  Every single member of our community is facing this storm from a different vessel. These 'boats' take into account varying levels of financial and job security, physical environment, daily routines, physical and emotional health. Goodness when it comes to optimism and resilience sometimes my boat can change from Leo and Kate's wobbly board at the end of Titanic to a 10 star ocean liner (sans icebergs) in just one day! That's ok though, because floating in this rough sea right along beside me are countless other boats waiting to cheer me on. And, chocolate features heavily too... 


At the end of the day, we are all facing this storm together and this term I have been in absolute awe of the Kalinda community. Our community has supported one another from near and far and in just one term, has achieved so much. 

  • Teachers worked tirelessly to provide even more 1:1 and small group contact with students, running targetted and differentiated virtual teaching groups with great success.
  • Families accepted a return to remote learning with steadfast determination, an open mind, and trust in their child and teacher.
  • Parents worked hard to support their child's messy science experiments, dream home designs, Sustainable city models, music compositions, division problems, Thrass Codebreakers and much more: whilst working remotely, working in essential services or keeping the peace in the household.
  • We held our first ever Home Sports Carnival, with great success.
  • Our Junior School Council demonstrated to the wider community that the values of kindness and empathy are important every day, but on RUOK day gathered over 230 pledges to connect with loved ones in a meaningful way.
  • Teachers and Parents committed to joining forces in our first online Parent Teacher Interviews to share common goals for students.
  • Students committed to connecting with their teacher and peers to set themselves challenging goals and achieve their personal best.
  • And then....for some days, in all families, just supporting each other through a day was a massive achievement in itself. And that's ok!

From my wobbly boat to yours, thank you for sailing alongside me. I am incredibly proud of you. 


Choosing a Good fit book

One of our teachers Mrs Jo Ross has put together some great advice on choosing a 'Good Fit book'. 

How to choose a 'Good Fit' Book

We have all been really enjoying hearing the students read in our small group sessions, on videos and share their passion for favourite texts in their work. 


If you can, we encourage the children to continue reading over the holidays. This does not always have to be reading out loud to an adult. Children develop a passion for reading by also reading on their own for enjoyment and relaxation. 


So that your child can choose a 'Good Fit' text for themselves either from a book on their shelf, on 'Epic!' or Sunshine Online here is a helpful strategy called the 'Five Finger Rule' we use in the classroom and the Library.


Open a book to any page. Start reading and hold up a finger each time you see a word you do not know.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr Seuss

Other resources you might like this week: 

Parenting during Covid-19


Ideas for kids to 'refill their bucket' in the holidays...