Safety @ Northlea

Traffic Safety Tips
As the new year begins, we are thrilled to see our families walking and biking to school. We also understand that many families need to use vehicles to bring children to school. Northlea is fortunate to be located in a very vibrant area. This is a bustling neighbourhood. The associated traffic also contributes to some concerns about safety. We ask the following to help keep our students and neighbours safe:
1. Please follow all Toronto parking and traffic regulations (ie. as related to STOP signs, driveways, etc.)
2. Please consider the "Walk-A-Block" campaign. If everyone who drives opts to park a block away from the school, that will disperse the congestion and create a safer walking environment for our families. An added bonus is the experience of walking to school.
3. Please drive slowly and be on the look-out for children.
4. When walking or biking with your children, use those experiences to capture teachable moments so they know the safety rules.
5. Please use our Kiss n' Ride program once it is up and running if you have to come directly to the school.
6. Remind older students that they need to use their eyes and ears to travel safely. Texting and loud music in headphones are distractions that can impede safety.
7. Please share the following Traffic Safety Tips with your children:
Below are a few resources you may find useful in support of the “Walk A Block” program:
Legal Parking Options: Northlea Legal Street Parking Guide
Pedestrian Safety Guide from Parachute Canada - This guide shares best practices for pedestrian safety. They recommend that adults walk with their children to be role models.”
“Be a role model. Talk to your child about safe pedestrian practices while you walk. Over time, your frequent demonstrations will become ingrained in their approach to crossing roads.”
Pedestrian Safety Message To Parents - Toronto Public Health
WALK & ROLL: The optimal choice is to walk and roll with our kids whenever possible. Exercise, a couple minutes chatting together and no traffic hassles. Who can beat that?
Parking at Northlea
PARK: If you can’t walk, there is plenty of legal parking available where you can park and be on the school property within minutes. Please observe the parking signs to help keep our students free from harm and teach them respect for the law. Legal Parking Options: Northlea Legal Street Parking Guide
RUMSEY PARKING LOT: A few friendly reminders about parking at the lot on Rumsey Road:
Pedestrians are asked to please use the walkway parallel to the lot rather than walking through the lot.
There is one spot reserved for people who need accessible parking. Please only park in this spot if you require accessible parking.
2 spots are reserved for TDSB at all times of day. Please refrain from parking in these spots even if they are empty.
There are only 3 first-come first-served spots available. These spots are designated for TDSB staff, visitors to Northlea and families from the Northlea Community Child Care (NCCC) and Northlea EMS. These three spots are intended to be short term parking.
Please ensure you back into the parking spots so you have strong visibility upon exiting.
The lot is not available between 8:30 am - 9:00 am, as you will not be able to enter or exit the lot during this time. Please plan to leave the lot before 8:30 or after 9:00 am.
Please do not park in the fire lane. Cars can only park in designated spots and not perpendicular to those spots.
The safety of all of the children who access NCCC and Northlea EMS is our top priority.
SUTHERLAND STAFF PARKING LOT - There are no designated parking spots for visitors in the larger parking lot at the back of the school. All spots have been assigned to Northlea staff.
Parents are not permitted to park in this lot for any reason during school hours.
Crossing Guards
There are 3 school crossing guard locations in close proximity to the school:
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There are two other locations that will be studied this Fall. The results will be available in Spring 2020:
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Street Proofing Tips
Attached our some safety tips for students in the elementary and intermediate years. We ask that you please review them with your children.
Visitor Policy
When you visit, please go to Door 2 and get buzzed in by an office staff member. Once you enter the building, please proceed to the main office to sign in at the office.
Visits to classes should be planned ahead of time so the teacher is aware of potential guests. If you have made previous arrangements to work in a classroom, please borrow a visitor's badge before you make your way to the classroom. We ask that you please coordinate classroom visits ahead of time with the teacher.
All volunteers need to have police reference checks completed before you are able to volunteer at Northlea. Please refer to the "Police Reference Checks" section for more information.
Police Reference Checks
Please submit either a money order or a certified cheque.
Amount: $20.00
Payable to: Toronto Police Services
2. ** Please collect a Police Reference Check form from the office.
3. Then return the completed form + payment to the Northlea office. Northlea office staff will submit the form and payment on your behalf.
4. Once you receive the CLEAR form at home (approximately 4-6 weeks) please resubmit to the office to clear in our system. **