For many years, enthusiastic Year 7 language learners of French and German have been visiting Primary Schools in the area as part of the McKinnon Transition Program.


On Monday 26 November, 38 McKinnon Year 7 students spent the morning at McKinnon Primary School with Grade 6 students. They had prepared a short lesson with activities in groups to teach the Primary students some basic French and German. Students introduced themselves in German and French and taught the students some basic skills in both Languages. They included games and songs and rewarded McKinnon Primary students with stickers and little gifts for their effort.  

There was also some time to talk about the experience of learning a language and secondary school in general and Grade 6 students were not shy to ask many questions before their Orientation Day at McKinnon Secondary College. It was a very positive experience for all students involved. Year 7s were challenged in a teaching role but were excellent role models presenting our school.


Another group of Year 7 students from 7G, 7L and 7M made their way to Ormond  Primary School on Tuesday 27 November and introduced languages to primary students in groups of about six students. The Language teachers helped prepare them and it was enjoyable to watch our students take on a teacher role. There were some very talented future educators among them, giving excellent instruction, praising students for their effort and rewarding them.

A final question-answer session in small groups was proof of how well all Year 7 McKinnon students have settled and embraced the culture of our school.


One more visit to Valkstone Primary School took place on Wednesday 28 November led by Ms Jimenez Victoria and Herrn Kamener.


All students enjoyed this opportunity of sharing their first year of language learning at McKinnon with Primary students. They will receive recognition of their co-curricular effort in their reports.

I would like to thank Ms de Kretser for the ongoing collaboration with the Languages faculty and her organisation of these Primary School visits. A big thank you to all Language teachers who prepared students for the classroom activities at lunchtimes and Mr Braniska for driving and accompanying the group to Ormond. I would like to congratulate all participating Year 7 students on their excellent contribution they made to this program and for truly representing McKinnon values during these visits.


Andrea Fowler

Head of Languages


Year 9 German classes participated in this semester in the competition WERBESPOT 2018 organised by the AGTV. They had to create an advertisement in German promoting membership of a sporting club in a DACHL country. One group achieved an Honorable Mention for their production ‘Rostock Red Devils’.

Congratulations to Vatsal Ved, Vrushank Manchana, Nicholas Lanaras and Ben Hu who received a certificate and a trophy!


Andrea Fowler

Head of Languages


In the past two weeks, we have held information sessions for both the international French language opportunities in 2019: Year 10 French Exchange Program and Year 9 New Caledonia Language and Cultural tour. Many students and families are interested in taking part and making the most of these opportunities.


Applications for 2019 Year 10 French Exchange close on Monday 26 November.


Applications for 2019 Year 9 New Caledonia Language and Cultural tour close on Friday 14 December.


For more information, please contact Ms Kellie Dickson on


Ms Kellie Dickson

French Exchange Co-ordinator


Our sixteen students are eagerly anticipating our departure on Thursday 29 November. After applying for the program last December, hosting their partner in June/July and lots of contact over the internet, it is now time to fly to France. The students are looking forward to reuniting with their exchange partners, staying with their exchange partners, attending a French school and exploring the French Riviera region.

The French school have arranged special lessons for our students to improve their French language skills and their understanding of culture and history. They will also be attending a local primary school to help them with their English and teach them some AFL skills. 


Thank you to all the parents that have made this experience possible for our students. Mme Antal, Mrs Binnion and I are very excited to be travelling with these outstanding young adults.


Ms Kellie Dickson

French Exchange Co-ordinator