Principal's Report

God’s Mission has us

Once again the terrible crimes of a small number of priests and religious dominate the news and we continue to apologise to all those victims of abuse who suffered so much. It is imperative that we continue to encourage victims of all sorts of abuse to speak out knowing that the cover ups of the past will be no longer, knowing that they will be listened to and given every assistance possible.


Here at St. Joseph’s College we are committed to providing the safest place possible for students, parents/carers and staff.


Perhaps, however, it is timely that this has happened at the start of Lent, that period of self-reflection and acknowledgement of our sinfulness that prepares us for the wonder of the Resurrection at Easter.


Jesus gave us the Gospel message as our guide to help bring about Heaven on earth. The Beatitudes (Matt. 5: 3-11) are a wonderful summary of this guidance; a mission statement if you like for God’s will for our work on earth.


I was reading an article this week that challenged us to not confuse the method with the mission and it reminded me of a comment that I heard somewhere many years ago that resonates at this difficult time.


The comment was “The Church does not have a mission; God’s Mission has the Church”


Our school does not have a mission; God’s Mission has our school.


God’s Mission has all those good priests, nuns and other religious who do very good work in their ministries.


God’s Mission has parishes, hospitals, aged care facilities and much more doing wonderful work in Jesus’ name.


St Vincent de Paul Society does not have a mission; God’s Mission has the St. Vincent de Paul Society.


God’s Mission has all those good people who visit the elderly, take Holy Communion to the sick, and who treat each other well and respectfully, just as Jesus called us to do over 2000 years ago.

God’s Mission has us.


Each one of us can use the season of Lent to reflect on how we can give the best witness possible to the Jesus message : God’s Mission. This, I believe, is how God’s Mission is still going strong 2000 years plus after the Resurrection. As individuals we do the best we can in our own way and in Jesus’ name, and that, collectively will send a clearer message than any amount of words.


Yes, we are let down by the small number of people in positions of authority who have perpetrated such evil.


However, God’s Mission has those who choose to claim the Jesus message. We need to make sure that we use this Lenten season well and renew our commitment to doing the best that we can possibly do, in our own individual ways, to further this mission.


A good starting point is to let our young people know that they are entitled to be safe and that when they feel unsafe and they speak up, that they will be listened to and trusted.


Students at St. Joseph’s College who feel unsafe can speak confidentially by emailing or contacting Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 and expressing their concerns.

Parents/carers who need support should contact Beyondblue 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline 13 11 14. In addition to these supports for adults, staff members also have access to an Employee Access Program.


Included with this newsletter are two letters written recently by the Trustees of Kildare Ministries that give us support, hope and guidance during these times. I encourage everyone to make the time to read them.


The image from last week’s front cover of Catholic Education Sandhurst’s Communication Matters is also included in this newsletter and conveys a similar message.


With best wishes for your Lenten reflection.


God bless.

Michael Delaney
