Kindergarten News

Dickins Room

We have been enjoying the sun and the warmer weather this week, making the most of this opportunity to visit the garden, search for autumn leaves and to ride the kinder bikes.


Leading up to Anzac day, we have beaked Anzac biscuits with the Marram class. This was a great experience, one that we integrated concepts of math, science and prediction. The process of change was great to observe, but ultimately the real fun was in eating them for afternoon tea!


We explored the book Leaf man both in class and through Seesaw this week, it was wonderful to get the children's work back through Seesaw and we are hoping to extend concepts through this experience.


Our three year olds have been enjoying the slower pace of the small group, playing with the trains, cooking in the pebble patch and spending lots of time on the swings. We are looking forward to having our classes back in full when you are ready to bring your child in, but until then, stay safe and enjoy this opportunity to spend time as a family.


Al and Mardi.

Moore Room

We have been making the most of the weather before the big chill this week! Plenty of collaborative play with the outdoor areas - enjoying some cooking in the pebble pit and big movements on the swings and obstacle course.


Both groups enjoyed some walks around the school and up into the gardens. We collected an assortment of leaves and after watching ‘the leaf man’ we created our own pictures. It was great to also see the amazing work being done at home and uploaded to our seesaw online program.


Gawarn group made Anzac biscuits in class which enabled us to explore – measuring of ingredients, dry and wet ingredient mixtures to create format (rolling and shaping), smell and texture and as we had enough ingredients left over we even made more on Thursday and had them with our afternoon snack up in the garden. Treesje and Julie helped the children to measure out the dry ingredients to take home in jars to share this experience with their families – yum!


We are loving the work coming in through our remote learning platform – seesaw and are looking forward to seeing those that are choosing to stay at home when they are ready to come back to kinder. Stay safe, enjoy your families and have a wonderful week!


Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie and Jo