Leadership Centre


Congratulations to everyone in the Leadership Centre, we have successfully completed our first full week of Term Two and Remote Learning! All staff have been very impressed with students demonstrating perseverance, initiative, and a range of problem-solving strategies to complete online learning tasks. As we are all learning together and finding out what strategies work best during this time, the teachers trialed a new way of delivering learning materials to students last week. It has been great to see students make a smooth transition from using a Google Slides ‘Journal’, where they accumulated evidence of their work throughout the start of Term Two, to working on daily slides (through Google Classroom) and using the ‘hand in’ feature to notify their teacher that they are ready to receive feedback on the work they have completed. Google Classroom and G Suite for Education continue to be our main source of creating, delivering and completing teaching and learning materials in the Leadership Centre. 


While teachers are very impressed with the work students in the Leadership Centre are producing, we would also like to remind everyone to consider their wellbeing, particularly during this time. It is important for students to feel comfortable in completing the learning material. If your child is feeling unsure about a task, we encourage them to have a go and if it doesn’t turn out the way they expected, that they should be proud of their best efforts. It is also important to understand that some days do not always go as smoothly as we would like and that not all tasks can be completed. This is okay! We encourage students to utilise their ‘Zones Toolbox’ and the strategies they have identified to help them self-regulate to get them back to the Green Zone when they are feeling overwhelmed. Remember to take breaks from learning, to go outside when you can, be active and to spend time with your family.


In Maths last week, students continued to consolidate their understanding of fractions and decimals by completing a range of ‘Star Tasks’. Students are very experienced in completing ‘Star Tasks’ and choosing the right task for them to complete, based on their own learning needs. These tasks ranged from placing benchmark fractions on a number line, using digital cuisenaire rods to represent fractions, adding and subtracting decimals and whole numbers, multiplying and dividing decimals, placing negative fractions on a number line and creating visual representations to compare fractions. This week, students will be focusing on data and statistics and will have a go at using paper to create some well-known data displays.


In readiness for Anzac Day on Friday, students in the Leadership Centre completed a reading portfolio, based on the events of World War I. There were three tasks to choose from:

1. Create a timeline outlining key events from WWI (1914-1918)

2. Create an information report detailing the events that occurred before, during and after Anzac Day (1915 until the end of the Gallipoli Campaign)

3. Research all of the alliances during World War 1 and think about...  

Who were the axis and the allies?  

What is a treaty and what countries does Australia have treaties with?

Why do we say ‘Lest we forget?’ 

Students worked on this task over the duration of three days and uploaded their finished product onto See Saw. This task allowed students to gain a deeper insight into the events that occurred in WWI and we were able to reflect on this during our special Anzac Day Zoom service where we joined two classes together (5/6W and 5/6C, 5/6SB and 5/6B). The Last Post was played, The Ode was recited and we all partook in a minute of silence. We want to say a big thank you to our School Captains, Anais and Ollie, and SRC Presidents, Jia-Xuan and Sophie who demonstrated great leadership as they coordinated and ran these meetings. They did a fantastic job and should be very proud!

We are looking forward to seeing what this week holds for everyone in the Leadership Centre! Below is the Week 3 Overview:

Have a lovely week!

The Leadership Centre Team

Mr Andrew Shaw, Miss Ros Walker, Miss Megan Campbell, Mr Hamish Burrill, Mrs Cassie Brisbane, Mrs Louise Naismith and Mrs Lisa Jones.

Student Voice 

"I think changing to the daily slides on Google Classroom has been good because it means we can just focus on the tasks for that day." - Sanjayani (5/6W)

"I have really enjoyed our Zoom meetings and seeing everyone from our class." - Sukriti (5/6W)

"Completing the Anzac Day task helped me understand what it must have been like for the soldiers that fought for us." - Viana (5/6W)


We want to remind students of ensuring that they are being a responsible user when working online as well as messaging and speaking appropriately to others when required. This is a message that we often repeat at school but we wanted to highlight this again, particularly under the current circumstances. A good way of thinking about this is if a screenshot was taken of your message and seen by a parent or teacher would you be happy with that?

Remember to spend time away from using screens, particularly on weekends

If parents have any questions/queries we ask that you message teachers via Sentral

All morning Zoom meetings commence at 9am. It is very important that students are connected at this time

Please ensure that your child has an appropriate working space that is away from distractions and background noise, eg. the TV or kitchen

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Teju G -

For demonstrating responsibility, leadership and a hard working nature when completing all her remote learning tasks for each day. Your commitment to complete each task to a high degree is fantastic. Keep up the amazing work, Teju.


5/6C: Anais P -

For demonstrating leadership during 5/6C and W's joint afternoon Zoom session. Along with the other leaders you successfully planned and presented an amazing ANZAC Day ceremony for all students. You should be proud of your efforts, I am! Amazing effort Anais!


5/6SB: Lucas S - 

For creating a well set out timeline highlighting the main events of World War 1. Well done Lucas for taking pride in the presentation of your work and demonstrating the character strength of curiosity. Keep up the great effort!


5/6W: Lisa N -

For demonstrating initiative in your learning and completing more than two 'Star Tasks' in Maths this week. Your Google Slides were clear and you reflected honestly about your learning. Keep up the fantastic work, Lisa!