In the community

Harmony Day

On Friday 20th March we celebrated Harmony Day with our students.  There were splashes of orange around our school and many creative activities in classrooms to celebrate our diverse community. 


We also acknowledged National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence as part of our TPS Bullying Prevention strategy Stop Walk Talk.


Leaning from Home

Our AMAZING staff completed our phase one of “Learning from Home” by putting together learning packs to be delivered to all students this week.  They include support materials to be used after the school holidays if Term Two does not resume as normal.  


Working Bee

Huge thank you to the Enviro Team for organising our first working bee for 2020.  There was a great turn out of families who helped clean out the bikeshed, garden shed, kitchen classroom and prune/weed our garden areas.  We would like to thank everyone for their help and for ensuring they followed the current safety measures during this time. 


We hope to have more working bees later in the year.