News from the Office


Rollins Primary School recognises that being at school on time and attending every day contributes towards a student's learning and that maximising school attendance enhances academic outcomes.

We take attendance very seriously at Rollins PS and have a goal to have as close to 100% of student attendance as possible.

Whole school attendance rate (term 4 to date)Whole school attendance rate past fortnight 

Student Attendance Level: Proportion of students attending 90% or more (term 4 to date)

(90% equates to missing one day a fortnight or a week a term)


GradePrepGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6
% attendance rate Term 492.2%90.6%90.6%89.9%91.9%89.9%86.6%

Whole school late attendance (term 4 to date)

Whole school late attendance past fortnight 



For more information regarding attendance please follow the link to the Education Department's Attendance Policy

COMPASS- Support for parents and carers


For access, please click the following link: Compass Login


Camp Australia - Before and After School Care


Camp Australia is providing Rollins Primary School with a safe and friendly Outside School Hours Care program, which includes:

Before School Care: 7-8:45am

After School Care:  3.30pm to 6.30pm

Fees and Enrolment: To enrol a child, simply click on the website link below to access the Camp Australia website which includes enrolment form and handbook.  The friendly OSHC staff can also assist you with any information you require.

Contact Ph: 1300 105 343
