Tarneit Time

A large focus for Tarneit Senior College in 2021 is building positive relationships within the school community, 2020 proved a difficult year for many of our current year 11’s, as their first year at a new school and spending majority of their school year in remote learning it proved difficult to build those connections with those in their year level.
For our very first Tarneit Time lesson, our new year 11’s participated in a ‘getting to know you’ activity as an entire cohort - that’s almost 300 students on the oval all at once, interacting and engaging in conversations with their teachers and peers. This activity dubbed ‘cohort bingo’, required students to go around to others to see if they had ticked any of the boxes on their bingo sheets such as ‘find someone who prefers maths over english’, ‘find someone who would like to go to TAFE’, or, ‘find someone who has birthday in February’.
This provided students with a positive environment in which they could talk with students and teachers they may not have before, or get to know something new about the people they already knew quite well. The students all conducted themselves very well and raced it out so see which class would emerge victorious and complete the most sheets in the quickest amount of time.
Congratulations to Linh’s Chirnside Tarneit Time class who completed 16 sheets in 10 minutes!! Thank you to all the students and staff who helped to make this activity a success.