Food Studies

Menu for a family celebration prepared by Year 9 students

Year 9 #We Love Food

The focus of this class has been to examine the different ways we can use the media to gather information about food and how that information can impact our food choices. Students have also evaluated the reliability of information about food in media. But perhaps the most popular influence of the media, is how it can be used to gather options and choices for the foods we eat. In their last task for the year students were asked to complete a reflective writing activity to examine how the COVID pandemic has influenced our personal and national food choices and eating habits both personal. Using these impacts they designed a menu for a family celebration. Each student then prepared one item from their menu.



Café Culture gets festive

As our Year 10s come to the end of the most challenging time in education we will share our last cooking sessions. Gingerbread was dancing around the cooking room with a variety of shapes and sizes. Using a piping bag was a new skill to most, but fun was had by all.


Our next lesson was The Master Class Challenge. This was using ingredients that were our in our kitchen and from that produce a product. This is in line with our sustainability focus. Imagination was the key to success!


A big thank you

This year has been challenging in many ways, the Food Studies teachers would like to extend a sincere thank you to all the families who let their children loose in the kitchen to prepare food at home. This may have been especially challenging for families where everyone was working from home and quiet rooms in the house were prime real estate. We saw some great food being prepared and only hope that the clean up was as good as the food!


~ Lorraine Lockhart and Lynn Delahunty