From the Principal 

It is hard to believe that this is the last newsletter for 2020. 


It has been an incredible year, which has simultaneously moved at the speed of light and crawled by at snail's pace. Of course the demands of the year have meant that there has not been a minute to spare as Principal, creating the speed of light time warp, but the absence of humans in our physical presence for the majority of the year has also made it seem like time was standing still. 


The joy of school life has returned to us all during term four and we are still, thankfully, not taking for granted the simple pleasures of being in each other’s company. 



Last Wednesday 2 December, we had a wonderful celebration of and for the Class of 2020. The students and official party gathered in the gym and we streamed live to our families, including our extended families at home, and staff. It was an amazing achievement - one I did not think we would be able to do at times.


I have to confess feeling very emotional and teary throughout. As I looked out on the students all together for one last time, and only the second time for the year, I was moved to tears. During my speech there were times that I verged on tears. For example when I said: “They were resilient, tenacious, creative, talented and resourceful – a class at the forefront of change in our world, and they could handle anything that was thrown their way, even a pandemic. They are an inspiration.” It was difficult not to cry. 

When Delia sang Fall at Your Feet with Cindy Frost accompanying her, I cried. Not only because it was stunning, but also because I have missed the sound of the sensational school performances this year. 


We were also delighted that we could offer a carnival style after-celebration on campus, with food and some fun activities for the Year 12s to celebrate together. 

It was, without doubt, along with the whole school assembly in February, the highlight of my year.


The graduation was such a success, a true celebration, (not only an official, symbolic, ceremonial event), we would like to consult with the Class of 2021 and their families about whether it is possible to make a new tradition for graduation on campus. 


Grade 6 Orientation Day

Orientation Day is the bookend to graduation. It is always a delight to welcome our Grade 6s to the NHS school community on orientation day. COVID necessitated some changes to the way it ran, but it was still a resounding success. 


After a half day together with their new tutorial group, the Peer Support Leaders and their Connect teachers, our Grade 6s seemed reassured, more confident and had already started to make connections. The purpose of the day was still achieved.

Our transition program will continue for students at the beginning of 2021 to ensure that the foundations established today at Orientation Day are built on as soon as we return. 


Peer Support Leaders

A big thank you to Ms Tait and Mr Barrett for their work training the 2021 Peer Support leaders over the last week.  I had the pleasure of awarding them their badges and speaking with them, and was truly impressed by their engagement and commitment. 

These students commenced their crucial role in supporting our 2021 Year 7s on Orientation Day. They did a fabulous job too. Well done, we are very proud of your leadership and care for others. 


2021 Peer Support leaders
2021 Peer Support leaders


School Captains

Last week I had the pleasure of interviewing all of our School Captain candidates. They were all incredibly articulate, passionate leaders. I thank all of the candidates for their efforts and encourage everyone to continue to act as leaders, even if they were not selected for the official roles. You all have such wonderful ideas and qualities. 

I am delighted to announce the four school captains for 2021. 


Congratulations to (in alphabetical order): 

Zac Johnstone, Lucy Rachman Vascotto, Kitty Robinson and Stella Russo.


A message from the 2021 School Captains: 

We're very excited to have been elected into this role and as School Captains we look forward to working collaboratively together with our cohort to advocate for our school, achieve common goals and foster a greater sense of community.  Let's make 2021 an excellent year. 
2021 School Captains
2021 School Captains

Thank you

I want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the school community for working so hard to make the best of an extraordinarily tough year. Everyone has shown resilience, persistence, and improved help-seeking behaviours. The collective care of the community has been evident at every step of the way. 

  • The staff have been phenomenal – adaptive, innovative, caring, responsive.
  • The students have demonstrated the same qualities. They have worked with us to adapt to all circumstances both on campus and during remote learning.
  • Our families have been supportive, accepting, appreciative and generous with their time and provided positive feedback and encouragement.

Without doubt it has been challenging - for some more so than others – but not all of what we experienced was bad. The fact that our community’s collective consciousness about mental health and wellbeing has been elevated, our technological capacity, our appreciation of a simpler life, the visible power of community taking collective action, all of these things have, and will continue to, reap benefits for the years to come. 


We must not lose sight of what we have learnt. We must find ways to incorporate the good bits to make our new normal even better than before. 


Best wishes for a happy and safe holiday

Please do take time to rest, rejuvenate, have quality time with those you love and to explore some territory close to home. 


I look forward to 2021 with enthusiasm; to a time when we can be together as a community, celebrate together, enjoy performances together, and see the outcomes of hard work and quality learning. 


I hope you finish the year with a sense of achievement and optimism. I am so incredibly proud of everyone. Well done.


I sign off now with immense gratitude. 

Best wishes to one and all.


Sue Harrap
