Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning

“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.”

Charles Kettering (1876-1958) American inventor, engineer, and businessman


College has a proud tradition of high standards that match our exceptional independent education and co-curricular opportunities.  This week in Mentor and House Meetings and in our Senior School Assembly, students were reminded again of the high standards we have for the learning progress of our students. Our Year 7 students started in the Engage program, whilst our Year 8 and 9 students have commenced Explore and the elective pathway subjects are in full flight. The Senior students in the Year 10-12 Emerge program have stepped up, demonstrating maturity and confidence as they manage their learning program.


Students are expected to attend all classes, be punctual and attentive during lessons. This requires students to focus on the learning objective of the lesson, take notes, ask questions, and complete any work set for review. Students are expected to seek feedback and implement the feedback provided to them, submit work on time and prepare for assessments.


Our new Emerge program for Years 10-12 encourages students to take control of their learning. Some of our students are working with external providers in areas such as Agriculture, Automotive, Equestrian, Hospitality and a range of VCE. Students will have regular study periods in the library and are required to work independently and respectfully. 


At the same time, we continue to teach our International Students who are working remotely, navigating a range of time zones and various online platforms to communicate with their teachers and peers.


In the last week I have met with several parents to review their child’s subjects to find the best possible program for their son or daughter. A reminder that all subject changes are to be finalised by Monday 8 February, the start of Week 3.


We want the best from and for our students. We challenge each student to offer their personal best. Failure to meet these requirements, whether it is completing academic work or behaving responsibly in independent study will result in immediate contact home and follow up with the subject teacher and House Mentor. We invite you as parents to partner with us and encourage the students at The Hamilton and Alexandra College to start Term 1, 2021 with confidence. 


Mrs Susan Bradbeer

Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning

VCE Studies

Our Year 11 & 12 VCE students have commenced the year in a very positive manner and enjoyed time on Retreat to connect with their peers, set goals and reflect on the academic year ahead. I also hope that their first few school days have been positive and provided the opportunity to make plans for their learning in each subject to attain the goals set. The introduction of the Emerge Program has allowed many Year 10 students to begin their VCE studies. The advantages of commencing a VCE study in Year 10 include an increased depth of knowledge as well as an early insight into “what it takes” to be a successful student at the VCE level. By spreading their VCE studies over three years, student workloads are more manageable and allow a balanced approach.


In 2021, two new Unit 1&2 subjects have been introduced – Visual Communication and Design and Business Management. These subjects lead directly to Unit 3&4 studies and will prepare students more comprehensively.

Year 11 and 12 students studying a Unit 3 & 4 Subject were sent a VCE Assessment Calendar this week. The document can be found in the Senior School Students Team in Files. This document provides an overview of the formal assessment students can expect throughout the year. Please talk through this document with your child/ren and note times of the year where they have multiple assessments. I have suggested to students they should personalise the calendar for their subjects and print the document. Perhaps this could be pinned up in the kitchen or other prominent place in the home.


If you or your child have any concerns about upcoming assessments, please seek out their subject teacher or mentor to discuss.


With Mr Neil MacLean’s retirement, I will be overseeing all aspects of the VCE. If you, your son or daughter have queries about their VCE Program, the GAT or the VCAA Examinations, please do not hesitate to make contact and I will do my best to answer your queries.


Rebekah Bonnett

Head of VCE Studies & Head of Science