Senior News         

Sarah Whitwam

Year 12s

CONGRATULATIONS to the Year 12s who have successfully completed VCE and VCAL in 2020! 

What a dynamic feat! 

The pragmatism the students have shown entering their exams has been refreshing. There is a sense of "what will be, will be” but this comes from a year level who have faced the challenges in the most unexpected of circumstances and risen to it. To see the students sustain their energy to the end has been inspiring, it is testament to their resilience and ability to ‘go with the flow.’ In life that can be the hardest thing to do, accept when things are outside of your control and make the most of what you can. It can trigger extreme stress, anxiety and inability to cope but for the class of 2020 they didn’t let it stop them, they mastered what they could regardless.

Leading up to exams the students certainly made the most of their social time at school, organising teacher/student competitions, filming their graduate class of 2020 film and determining ways to celebrate the significant milestone of completing their secondary studies. The collective strength of the group to persevere offset the possible and plausible stress that could have been associated with the year and this is all part of their success. 

We look forward to the Valedictory Dinner where we can acknowledge their success and conclude the year with a celebration they deserve.


Year 11s

Congratulations also to the Year 11's who have met 2020 head on.

The disruptions in the year have hindered the normal rights of passage for Year 11 students and has made it challenging to embrace the milestones that entering the Senior School brings for Maffra Secondary Students. Despite this, the Year 11's have eased into their position in the school. This week the applicants for captaincy presented their speeches and a vote has been held. The Year 12 jumpers have been ordered and the moving of lockers is signifying the next milestone as they transition into Year 12.  The Year 11's are facing an extended year and for some a mad dash to the end, juggling final SACs , exams and then preparing for head start on a new timeline and at the end of a very fatiguing year. The enthusiasm for this new stage is encouraging as we all look towards 2021. 

As all our plans for retreats and camps have been on hold, we look forward to having lots of opportunities to build diverse experiences into our VCAL and VCE program from the beginning of next year. We also encourage the students to be a part of the planning for 2021.


Senior Team

What I have noticed during 2020 is that teachers are masters of applying an appreciative lens to things. Student’s work, we seek to add marks not take away. Student’s behaviour, we look for the positives, student’s interactions, we seek to foster connections. During remote learning, we sought to positively reinforce the student’s attendance, application and effort, along with their social and emotional needs during lockdown. I have also noticed it is not hard to find these positives if that is what you are looking for. 

As we have come back from a disrupted year the Senior Team have endeavoured to create opportunities for reconnecting and finding positives. Sure, donuts, pancakes and sausage sizzles may seem like tokens but they have been provided with the intention of bringing a sense of normalcy and connectedness. Teachers have worked hard to fill the gaps from remote learning in a short amount of time, whilst being mindful of the different experience each student had whilst we were working from home, The investment teachers have demonstrated during this time has not gone, it has just shifted, obviously to face to face, leaving us all less available around the clock. This does not mean we are less invested in the learning and wellbeing of your children. Our appreciative lens still holds firm on positive daily interactions, positive reinforcement of effort, application and attendance and valuing the students for the individuals they are.

Usually my newsletters are focused on the good things I see the students do in our space and ways we can encourage and support them. This time I want to acknowledge the team of teachers around the students. I want to acknowledge the extra work it has taken to ensure all students get through their outcomes this year. The teachers who meet with students at lunch and after school to help, the Saturday morning sessions and answering emails and messages at all hours of the day and night. This is a generosity of commitment to our students that is often unacknowledged, because teachers just do these things. This year has been harder than ever to balance it all and that needs acknowledgement too, teachers and educational support staff have maintained a surface equilibrium while the world has been shaky. We have continued to support and smile with students while meeting our own challenges.

So to the team of staff around the students, I want to say a public thank-you. 

All you do is very much appreciated.

Sarah Whitwam VCE/ VCAL Leader
Sarah Whitwam VCE/ VCAL Leader