Principal's Report

Welcome to the 2021 School Year
I extend a warm welcome to the new school year, particularly to our families who are beginning their journey with St John’s Regional College. Our College theme this year Everything is interconnected is inspired by Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si. Our Pope asks us to embrace the goal that we allow all human beings to live sustainably in dignity. I believe it is what we all want however we are challenged to look more deeply at the decisions we make around the ownership and use of our planets resources, to see consequences of our choices and the impact this has for our world now and for future generations. Too often our decision-making at both a global, national or even community level fails to recognise that we are all interconnected, something we have seen at play as we have tried to manage the pandemic around the world. As we move into the new year, our College Theme reminds us that as stewards of Creation we are called to respect the environment, to use its resources wisely and distribute justly its goods to meet the needs of all peoples.
We return to 2021 with an exciting year ahead of us. The construction of our new Junior STEM Centre has just begun with the demolition of the old Columba building. The $5M two-story facility will be completed by October this year and it will provide a wonderful space to study Science Technology, Engineering and Maths. We only need to look at how the world is working to find solutions to the pandemic to understand the importance that these subjects play in our lives and hopefully to provide many future career pathways for our students.
Coronavirus Outbreak – New guidance on face masks
Following the Government’s announcements regarding new state-wide restrictions that came into effect at 11:59pm on Wednesday 3 February, there is new guidance for schools regarding the wearing of masks. People aged 12 and over must wear a fitted face mask when in public indoor spaces unless there is a lawful reason not to.
- Students aged 12 or older must wear a face mask indoors when at school.
- School staff are not required to wear face masks while teaching or caring, but those who wish to do so, can. Staff must wear face masks in indoor areas of the school when not teaching or caring.
- Visitors to school sites must also wear masks when indoors.
Further advice regarding these measures will be provided when available and I thank you for your ongoing support of all of our students and staff.
Welcome Mass Postponed
Unfortunately, due to a confirmed case of COVID19 in the Noble Park region, we have taken the decision to postpone our Welcome Mass. The identification of several locations in our local area as possible contact points for COVID19 elevated the risk of bringing many adult members of our community together for an indoor event. Our new Year 7 students will be welcomed as part of our Opening Assembly on Tuesday.
Opening College Assembly
Our opening College Assembly is scheduled to be held as an open-air event on the 9th of February. At present we are seeking confirmation from the Department of Health and Education that the new COVID restrictions will allow this event to take place. One possible option is that the event will go ahead without invited guests. We will confirm arrangements for Tuesdays Opening Assembly and Investiture of School Leaders by the end of this week.
2020 Dux
Of the 115 Year 12 students in 2020, 13 successfully completed their Victorian Certificate of Applied learning and 102 students were awarded their Victorian Certificate of Education. I am proud to announce that the Dux of St John’s Regional College for 2020 is Danny Phan with a score of 91.75. Danny will begin a Bachelor of Pharmacy at Monash University in 2021. He will return to deliver his address as the Dux of the College at the Opening College Assembly on the 9th of February.
Student Leadership 2021
On the 9th of February we will have the opportunity to formally inaugurate the 2021 Student Leaders for St John’s Regional College at the Opening College Assembly. These students were elected on their commitment to all aspects of school life and their ability to be a voice for the 700 students they represent. It is an important year for our student leaders as they establish our new Student Representative Council with membership from all six student houses. I am looking forward to the contribution our SRC will make to our school and have every confidence that this year’s leaders will maintain the high standards we have for Student Leadership at St John’s.
College Captains
Maria Hinen and Aiden Cachart
Faith and Mission Captains
Tiana Amoretti and Kent Mijares.
House Captains
Alessandra Di Cosmo and Cecilia Lay
Shantelle D’Silva and Adau Matiok
Aaron Li and Nicole Sikora
Andrea Heldt and Samaria Samuel
Rita Kazona and Fleur Babao
Jessica Edwards and Chloe Spalding
As we begin the school year, I welcome the new staff to St John’s Regional College:
Sue Hastings – Co Diversity Leader
Adam Gordon – Senior English
Julia Baker - St Marys School of the Deaf
Nathan Yap - New Contract Senior English , VCAL Literacy and HR
AFL Trainee – Nathan Gard – Sports
AFL Trainee – Luke Tabone – IT
Achok Bieth - Well Being Team Youth Worker/Family Liaison/Counsellor
We hope they will enjoy their stay as part of this wonderful community and look forward to the contribution they will make in the coming years. I also welcome back from leave Mr David Fong, Mr John Rhynehart and Ms Trish Dounias for the 2021 school year.
Enrolments 2021,2022 and 2023
Our first Open morning for prospective students and their families will take place on Thursday the 18th of February at 9.15am. Parents will have the opportunity to learn about our history, curriculum programs and future plans for St John’s in a one-hour session that incorporates a tour through our facilities. Enrolments for 2022 and 2023 are invited and parents can book a place for this tour by contacting our College reception on (03) 8793 2000 or through Try Booking via the Enrolment tab on our school website
Tutoring Program
St John’s will continue to offer the after-school tutoring program this year for all year levels at no cost. The tutoring program runs each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the Contemporary Learning Centre from 3.30pm to 5pm. The program will commence on Wednesday the 10th of February and any students requiring extra assistance in completing homework tasks or developing their literacy and numeracy skills are encouraged to come along to the CLC. Our experienced tutors are all ex-students of St John’s who are now at University.