House News - Leonis  

Ms Ash Fraraccio

OUR GOAL FOR LEONIS - To Build House Spirit and unity 


Name: Samaria Samuel

Homeroom: LE 3

Year: 12

Leadership Position: Leonis House Captain

Favourite Food: Burgers

Favourite Colour: Violet

Favourite Movie: Kill Bill Vol.1

Favourite Subject: Health and Human Development

Tell us one thing that remote learning and the COVID lockdowns taught you: that if you don’t stay focused on what you are doing, you will lose track of time

Your main goal for 2021: Successfully graduate from year 12

Your top 3 tips for being a successful and happy SJRC student:

1. Keep track of your work

2. Always have a plan/goal for your day, week or month

3. Try your best to keep positive 



Name: Andrea Heldt

Homeroom: LE 4

Year: 12

Leadership Position: Leonis House Captain

Favourite Food: Pasta (Carbonara)

Favourite Colour: Lavender

Favourite Movie: Tokyo Drift

Favourite Subject: Health and Human Development 

Tell us one thing that remote learning and the COVID lockdowns taught you: To be happy with what you have and never take things for granted.

Your main goal for 2021: To be the best I can be and be proud of all my accomplishments.

Your top 3 tips for being a successful and happy SJRC student:

1. Have a good study routine

2. Enjoy life and do what makes you happy

3. Have a good social group that makes you feel comfortable.

