Student Learning around KPS 

We have been so busy!


Can you believe we have been at school for 100days? 

We have so much fun so far! We have learned so much - we know our way around Kalinda, we know the teachers, and we know our buddies. We know where to go when we need help, and we know where we are allowed to play. We can locate our tubs, and we change our readers.


Positive Education in Foundation


During our Positive Education week, FA explored that ‘caring is all around us in different settings. Have a look at the amazing collages students created in groups! 

We love learning our hot words in FG


Grade 1

In Grade 1, for our positive relationships session this week we worked together to design and create a foil boat that could float whilst holding the most amount of plastic animals.  


We had to listen,  negotiate and compromise on our ideas.  

The record was 42. That's a lot of animals!

Grade 2

This term the Grade 2s are learning about chemical change in Science! Last week, students worked in small groups to carefully craft their own volcanoes. On Monday it was time to set some chemical reactions into action. We learned about how materials change when they are combined, and in this case, how to make our volcanoes erupt. 


Students wrote a hypothesis about what would happen when the materials (vinegar and bi-carb soda) were combined, observed the effect, and then recorded their findings.




Grade 3

In Grade 3 we learned about the Earth-Moon system and the Sun. In 3B, a group of girls worked together to put together a report on the planets. They collaborated beautifully to present a well thought and organised poster! Well done girls.


The Grade 3s have been busy designing and creating a Smart Town/City.

They are using nets to create 3D objects.



Grade 2
Grade 2

The grade 2 worked on making their business cards including their birthday months in Kanji characters.