From our Classrooms


A number of Grade 4, 5 and 6 students recently participated in a morning or afternoon of extension activities with older students and with peers of similar abilities.

There was a maths focus and a writing focus. Students were challenged throughout the sessions. 

During maths in the morning session, the students played a number of games involving addition, multiplication and division that required strategy and problem solving skills to try and hit target numbers. 

The room was noisy as students collaborated and tried their hardest to hit the target numbers. Students then worked on cracking mathematical codes, again putting their thinking skills to the test. After cracking the codes, they came up with their own code for others to solve. There was lots of laughter along with maths strategies being shared and mathematical language used. 

Aanya in Grade 5 said, “I loved it when we worked in teams to make and crack other

 people’s codes.”

In the writing session, students put their writing skills to good use. Our focus for the session was comedy and how can we incorporate comedy into our writing. 

Students observed and analysed a range of comedic examples, including classics like Mr Bean, slap stick, parodies, satire and animations. 

They then used their new knowledge about comedy to write about an event in history and put a humorous spin on it or draw a comic strip. 

Harry in Grade 4 said, “I loved that we were given a little bit of a challenge and had to work our way out of it. I liked how we got the opportunity to do our own writing.”

We are so proud of our students and all of their knowledge. 

We hope to have many more opportunities this year and beyond, to extend students further and work with them to build new skills and work with their peers.


Ellie Martinez 

Class Teacher 5C