School Captain's Message

 by Romel

Newsletter- Week 5


Welcome to the middle of Term 3 at WVPS! 


World Principals’ Day

Last week World Principals day was a day for students to thank and recognise the contributions of our school principals, as well as principals throughout the world. The JSC enjoyed interviewing students for the thank you video, we hope the principals loved it.






Book Week

Book week is to be celebrated by schools and libraries on Tuesday 23rd August and throughout the week. Many activities are to occur throughout the week, such as students dressing up as their favourite character from a book, as well as a parade. More details are to be confirmed closer to the day.


Reminder- September 5th is a Pupil Free Day

Just a reminder that the 5th of September is a day where students are not required at school, as this is a day dedicated to teachers’ training. However, childcare services are still available, for parents who may need them.



Grade 6 Students going to Manor Lakes

Last week, the Grade 6 students going to Manor Lakes P-12 went to see a presentation of programs, important dates, and general information and a question session, in helping them in transitioning to high school. Only a term and a half left of primary school for us grade 6’s.