
Term 3 is flying past!

Can you believe we are in Week 6 of Term 3? The Grade 1 and Foundation students have participated in a lot of exciting events over the past few weeks. In Week 4, the F/1’s celebrated their 100 Days of School. This week was Science Week! The students attended an online incursion called ‘Breaking Point’, where they learnt all about the science of glass, exploring how glass is made and used. Next week is Book Week! The theme for this year is ‘Dreaming with Eyes Open’. We cannot wait to see the amazing costumes during the book parade on Friday. 

Foundation student families: Could you please return the school nurse forms by Monday 22nd August.



This term in Inquiry, the F/1 students have been focusing on Culture and Family Traditions. We have explored the similarities and differences between different cultures and have investigated all the places our families come from around the world. The F/1’s have been involved in different celebration crafts and learning experiences. The have learnt about the Chinese New Year, Eid, the history of Greece and Italy and Diwali, plus a lot more! We want to say a big thankyou to the families that volunteered their time to educate some of our classes about their special family traditions. 



Our students have been practicing how to introduce themselves in Spanish and how to describe their features, personality traits, and how to state the food and activities they like and dislike. It has been heart-warming to witness our students bravely dialoging with each other in Spanish. We have also been learning about descriptions through 2 songs created by our teacher Rob. 

Song 1 OneNote Uploads - OneDrive (

Song 2 OneNote Uploads - OneDrive (

We will shortly post videos of our students 


Lots of students have been returning their Readathon template with so many hours of reading and RazKids have been used more regularly at home. Please remember to contact your teacher if more RazKids books are needed.