Year 3/4 News

Welcome! Wominjeka!
We can not believe that we are almost halfway through Term 3. The year has absolutely flown by!
We have some exciting things on the calendar over the next few weeks and can't wait to share all the memories. For now, here is a snapshot of what we have been learning in the last couple of weeks.
Over the last two weeks, students have been completing an Italian PST in Reading to build their vocabulary & conversation skills.
Opposite Words
The first work sample (Mason Rosa) shows matching opposite words eg. buongiorno/arrivederci etc
Record it!
The second work sample (Sophie Liaskos) shows a written conversation in Italian between two students
This week, students were given a comic strip, in which they had to fill in the speech bubbles using classroom language
Over the last week, the students were introduced to a new problem 'How does the environment support the lives of people and other living things.' The students are to begin investigating problems affecting our environment (e.g. natural disasters, such as bushfires) and research who it is affecting. They need to work collaboratively and connect with the problem and thoroughly research the impact on people, animals and living things. They need to come up with an idea for how they will tell people about the problem and possible solutions (e.g. they could do an invention, news report, documentary etc.). We are looking forward to hearing their findings and some great presentations about some possible solutions.
3/4 Camp
The 3/4 Camp to Lake Dewar Lodge is fast approaching and we could not be more excited! This is such a great opportunity for the students to learn independence, resilience and positive risk-taking. We really enjoyed speaking to those who attended the information session and look forward to making some wonderful camp memories with all the students.
Please see the camp information slides below from our zoom session.
Learning Intentions & Timetable
Important Dates
Thursday August 4th - First Eucharist Parent/Child Information Night at 6:30 - 7:30pm
Friday 5th August - Whole School Assembly
Friday 5th August - Fun Friday - Commonwealth Games Celebration
Saturday 6th August @ 6:30 pm or Sunday 7th August 10:30am- Initiation/Commitment Mass for Sacrament of First Reconciliation
Monday 8th August - Tuesday 9th August - 3/4 Camp at Lake Dewar Lodge YMCA
Contact Details
Linda Pham
Belinda Hirschauer
Kaitlyn McMillan
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.