Student Wellbeing

Annie McNaughton

Understanding and Engaging Boys

Please see the flyer outlining a great opportunity for our parent community to be part of a one hour workshop on Wednesday 10th August at 7pm in St Raphael's School Hall.


The evening is being presented by Tarun Stevenson, behaviour expert and educator.


The evening outlines topics such as:

  • How boys develop socially and emotionally
  • Educational challenges in teaching boys
  • How boys learn


Please join us in this very informative and engaging presentation about how boys tick!!!

Complete the Google Form on Skoolbag or email Annie McNaughton secure your place.







Commonwealth Games Fun Day


This Friday, 5th August, is our Commonwealth Games Fun Day. Students will be representing their 'country' in their homeroom and will be participating in some fun activities connected to the Commonwealth Games. Year 5/6 and SRC will be running the opening ceremony and activities during the day.


Students need to wear their school sports uniform and wear a top/scarf/ribbons/ accessories or badge of their 'country' over the top. The homerooms will also be making items to use on the day. This is not a casual clothes day.

Our parents have organised a sushi lunch and orders are now closed.


Countries represented by our homerooms


FL - India

FM - Fiji

1/2JM - Australia

1/2C - Canada

1/2F - New Zealand

3/4M - Jamaica

3/4P- England

3/4H - South Africa

5/6A - Malaysia

5/6D - Scotland

5/6SV - Papua New Guinea


Go Fun Friday!!!!!!!!!!