Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -

 Dance Program and Concert

Term 3  is now all about our Dance Program which will take place during each level's weekly P.E. lesson. This program runs for six weeks and will culminate in a school wide performance at the Indigo Theatre, Loyola College in Watsonia. This will be held at the end of Week 9 on Friday September 9 with families who's surname ends in A-K performing from 5-6pm with those ending in L-Z coming on from 7.30 - 8.30pm. Tickets will go on sale Friday 5th August at 4pm. Please book into the correct session to ensure you see your child perform.


Each year level will be dancing to music from a different era and celebrating that time.


Foundation - 1920's

Year 1/2       - 1950's

Year 3/4      - 1970's and 80's

Year 5/6      - 2000's


Please look for more information to come out shortly regarding costumes and preparing the children for the big night.

5/6 Hoop Time

Following on from the recent success of the Year 3/4 boys, the 5/6 girls won their Preston District basketball tournament at Coburg Stadium last Friday. The girls dominated every match and came away comfortable victors in the Grand Final.


The 5/6 boys also did the school proud making it to the semi finals and coming together on the day as a relatively inexperienced team.


Here's a report from one of our coaches on the day, Mr Allan.


Last Friday the girls and boys basketball teams competed in the Hoop Time tournament. The girls did everyone and especially themselves proud by winning the title with no question. Their best score was 48 - 0 and they won the final 17 - 0. They showed excellent team work, persistence, determination, and communication to improve over the day. They were also graceful in victory showing compassion to the other teams they had beat by eye watering sums. Ella took the captaincy for the day and lead by example with unstoppable dribbling and clinical finishing. There were no standouts, they all worked relentlessly. 


The boys team did well also, making it to the semi finals but unfortunately ending their run there. Captain Nicholas was instrumental in keeping the team going.

Division Football Play Off

After a memorable victory at the Preston District Gala Day the school football team headed out to St Helena for a Division Play Off. While we were representing Preston, Bell Primary were the Northcote District representatives and St Joseph The Worker were carrying the Thomastown District flag. 


The 3 way play off began with St Raphael's taking on St Joseph Worker. In a tight tussle our students were able to eventually see off the challenge from the Reservoir North side with some excellent team football. Straight after that victory Bell Primary were ready as the next challenger. After some early attacking from St Raph's, Bell Primary then got into gear and played some exquisite team football. Their constant running and handball through the middle of the ground saw them regularly in attack and putting enormous pressure on our defence. To St Raph's credit they regrouped at half time and showed the spirit and determination that got them this far, to consistently thwart Bell Primary's advances. While the opposition were far too good, there was no pride lost from the St Raph's players who never gave up.



District Athletics

The District Athletics Squad has now been finalised and announced on Google Classroom. The carnival will be held on Wednesday August 24 at Coburg Athletics Track. Training has now commenced at the following times-


100/200 800/1500 - Tuesday 8.30 on grassland

Shot Put and Discus - Wednesday 8.30 on grassland

Relays - Thursday 8.30 on grassland

Long, Triple and High Jump - Thursday 11.10 in the hall