What are the students doing?
Que font les élèves ?
What are the students doing?
Que font les élèves ?
In Music with Miss Neep, year 1/2 students are exploring percussion instruments around the world and learning how to notate and play rhythms in common time. For NAIDOC week, students looked at four Indigenous instruments right here in our home of Indigenous Australia. They learnt about four traditional Aboriginal instruments: the didgeridoo, rain stick, gum leaf and clap sticks.
This week, students went on a virtual journey to South America. Some of the instruments they learnt about and were the cowbell, the bongos, the cajon, maracas, wooden block (also known as a clavé), guiros Cabassas. Students practiced playing a one bar rhythm using quarter notes and eight notes on these instruments!
Students in 1E have made some fantastic posters to present their recount of the day at the Zoo, last Friday. They have written a recount of the day and have illustrated it with animals we saw that day! We loved going to the Zoo and talking about it!
1E a fait de supers posters pour présenter leur journée au Zoo de vendredi dernier. Ils ont produit un écrit racontant notre journée et des dessins des animaux que nous avons vus ! Nous avons adoré aller au Zoo et en parler en classe !
La semaine dernière, les élèves de CE2 ont eu l’opportunité de s’initier au codage informatique à l’aide de notre nouveau consultant informatique, Coby. Le codage consiste à écrire des instructions qui indiquent à un programme informatique comment fonctionner. Nos élèves ont bien suivi les différentes étapes données par le professeur et sont parvenus à créer leurs propres jeux de pierre, feuilles et ciseaux sur des microbits, à l’aide du logiciel Microsoft makeCode.
Last week, students from grade 3 binome had the opportunity to practise some coding with the support of our new IT consultant, Coby. Coding consists of giving a computer program a specific set of instructions so it can perform simple tasks. Our students were able to create their own rock paper scissor game on microbits using the program: Microsoft makecode.