Group 4 News

We’ve been getting up to so much fun in Prep 4 over the past fortnight! Science week was definitely a highlight for us, with visits from the Bubble Magician, STEM activities in the hall and a range of engaging science activities in the classroom. We love watching our students observe and develop problem solving skills with STEM activities and it’s incredible to watch their growing curiosity as they learn new concepts and skills. 

Another highlight has been swimming! Our students have been loving their swimming lessons and it’s amazing to see their progress with their confidence in the water since the beginning of the year. 


Our students are always encouraging and helping one another inside and outside of the classroom, and it’s fantastic to see the strong friendships that have been formed. It’s such an honour to watch them evolving and becoming more confident and independent. We can’t wait to see everything else they achieve by the end of the year!


-Jenna and Georgia 😊