What are the students doing? 

Que font les élèves ?

From the school captains

Kian Carter Fourcroy 6F: 

Hello everyone, Term 3 has been a super busy term so far. Last week, we had our CJC athletics carnival at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve. CJC students were all very enthusiastic and all ‘gave it a go’. It was very pleasing to see the Grade 3 attending their first senior athletics. They did very well. The highlight of the day for me was the teacher race where Mr Maher and Miss Spencer crushed the competition. Unfortunately the best sprinter at CJC, Mr Chant, was unable to compete, he claimed that he had already ran a Principal race at 7am on the day. 


Capucine Husser 6F 

Hey CJC community, it has been a great term so far with lots of students returning from holidays. Last Friday, we welcomed Marie ‘Lootie’ Leautey at CJC. Marie is a marathon runner from France. She has run across 4 different continents, running approximately 27000km over a 2 year period (a marathon a day). One of her last destinations was Melbourne, she was kind enough to come to our school to share her journey on one of her rest days. She shared her journey throughout the world, the challenges she faced and  the beautiful landscape she witnessed. We had a Q&A panel after which our students were able to ask questions. Her story is an amazing lesson of always chasing your dreams and never giving up. The 5/6 cohort and teachers present were definitely inspired. We will share an interview Marie did with the student leaders in next week's newsletter.


Gavriel Starr  5/6B  

The 5/6 cohort have been working on procedural text in literacy and on fractions in numeracy, some amazing learning going on across the cohort. We have also been busily preparing for science week. 5/6 students will be exploring this year’s science week theme ‘Glass’ and we will conduct an array of scientific experiments for each year level. We are looking forward to showing the school what we have been working on. 


Noam Goldwasser 5/6B  

Lots to look forward to this term, we have science week coming next week. CJC students will be able to attend a science lesson whereby grade 5/6  students will be undertaking a scientific experiment. We will also have a stargazing event at 6pm on Tuesday the 16th organised by the parent committee. The week after we will have book week, lots of activities planned, thanks to amazing CJC teachers!! We will have a dress up parade on Wednesday the 24th of August. Students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character. Lastly, we will have the 5/6 camp from 5th to the 9th of September in week 9, we are very very excited for that. On behalf of the 5/6 cohort, we would like to thank our teachers for organising camp.

Debate team

On Tuesday, a group of Brighton Secondary students visited a small group of our Year 6s to help them prepare their debates for the upcoming interschool competition. It was great to see the students collaborate and support one another so well!


Mardi dernier, un groupe d'élèves de l'école secondaire de Brighton nous a rendu visite pour aider des élèves de 6e à se préparer pour la compétition interscolaire de débat oratoire qui aura lieu prochainement.  Quel plaisir que d'assister à une si belle collaboration entre les élèves.

Special assembly for Lootie

Last Friday, we had a special assembly organised by our senior students to welcome Marie Leautey (Lootie) who came to visit our school and answer some questions about her journey running around the world.  We are grateful that she took the time to meet us, she is a truly inspirational human!


To find out more about her world tour, one marathon per day, six days a week and the charity she is supporting, please visit her website: www.lootie-run.com


Assemblée spéciale pour Lootie

Vendredi dernier, nous avons eu une assemblée spéciale organisée par nos élèves de CM2 et 6ème pour accueillir Marie Leautey (Lootie) qui est venue faire une visite à CJC pour répondre aux questions des élèves au sujet de son tour du monde à la course.  Nous sommes reconnaissants qu’elle ait prit le temps de nous rencontrer, quelle source d’inspiration !


Pour en savoir plus sur son tour du monde, un marathon par jour, six jours par semaine, et sur l’œuvre de charité pour laquelle elle ramasse des fonds, visitez son site internet : www.lootie-run.com

Here is what she posted on her page about CJC:

"I then made my way to Caulfield Junior College and met Caroline Pommier the French director and Chris Chant the Principal. They led me to the assembly hall where a hundred or so pupils were gathered. The children directed the event, the Q&A session and bombarded me with questions for over an hour. It was fun and as always, sharing with the children is an exercise I greatly appreciate. Their enthusiasm, mix of serious, funny and unexpected questions can take you by surprise. I saw a tinge of disappointment in the eyes of a little girl when I answered her question negatively: no, I didn’t have to catch a fish in a river to feed myself during the journey!"


Jeu de cartes en fraction

En classe de français avec Madame Floch, nous avons fait un jeu de cartes avec des fractions. Nous avons utilisé des pièces géométriques pour en faire des objets, des animaux… Après avoir assemblé des pièces pour en faire des figures,  nous les avons tracées nos objets, animaux etc…Notre but était de trouver la fraction de chaque couleur par rapport au tout .


A votre tour !   

-Zoe Manoury 6F 


Les mathématiques en CM2

En maths, nous faisons de nouvelles activités sur les fractions comme le Bingo. Nous essayons aussi de résoudre des énigmes sur les fractions. Ces petits problèmes de maths nous font vraiment travailler le cerveau en équipe !


-Holly & Claudia 5C

Getting ready for Science Week 

We are starting to try our some science experiments that we will be showing to the other classes





"Did you know that a cockroach could live up to one week without its head."

-Sophie 5D


A group of students from Kansai University in Osaka, Japan, teaching science to our Grade 3/4 cohort.