Digital Technology News


Recently we had our online information session about the introduction of our BYOD program.


The program will be introduced in 2023 for our year 3 students (the current year 2 students) and then rolled out over the next 4 years until all students from year 3-6 have their own device.


While the program is being rolled out, our current senior students (yr 3,4 & 5) will continue to be provided with school Chromebook devices.


However we are going to also make the program an option for families with students in years 3,4 & 5 if they wish to purchase a device through our BYOD portal setup with LWT.


The Devices

The new BYOD devices are Lenovo Yoga Chromebooks

They feature the ability to be use both as a laptop computer and as a tablet, with dual facing cameras. They have touch screens and a built in studlus that can be used for drawing and writing on the screen.





If you would like to view a recording of the information session click the button below


To access the portal to find out more or order a device click below.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have.


Kind regards,

Matthew Mooney

Inform and Empower Cyber safety sessions

In the coming weeks students will continue the work they have been doing throughout the year on cybersafety through out Inform and Empower online incursions. The students will learn about a range of cybersafe concepts approrpiate to their age.

Please find linked below some parent information sheets that will help you have further conversations about cybersafety at home with your children.


Lego Spike Kits Going Gangbusters!

Last newsletter I wrote about our new Lego Spike kits. Over the past couple of weeks all classes from year 1 - year 4 have had the opportunity to do an introductory session. The foundation and 5/6 classes will work with me on using the kits later in the term.

Already the teamwork and problem solving observed while using the kits has been outstanding.


No doubt there are a number of budding programmers and engineers in the making at St Cecilia's!

See the clip below for a taste of what the students will be learning.